Dual Monitor+SLI 970s questions

Just ordered my second 970 and I'm gonna run SLI. (plz no shoulda bought a 980) I have two monitors; one is a Xstar DP27 the other is a older Benq GW2750. My intention was to p/u another X-Star and run the two x-stars spanned (sometimes). Now I just realized that my 970s each have only one DVI port and the X-Star only works with DVI. My thinking was I would be good by using each DVI port but my research has uncovered that might negate the SLI? What should I do? Also Dream-Seller doesn't have any of the same x-star DP27s in stock but does have a "First" that looks identical. Think that'll work?

Shoulda waited a few short months for all the new GPUs to come out

just get an HDMI to DVI adapter

also are you displays only 1440p? because you probably didn't even need a 2nd 970

The X-Star I have won't work with anything but strait DVI. Yeah I want to buy another X-Star and run them spanned.

HDMI and DVI are digital, there's no difference between the actual signal, aside from HDMI being able to carry audio, not that that matters for monitors

Yeah I have one of those, (also it's not a dual link DVI just a single link) Something about the Xstars w/o a AD board preevnt them from working with anything other than strait DVI. I could get one with the AD board but then there would be a difference in timings and I wont be able to span them.

So you want to run three 1440p displays in Nvidia Surround and game with 970 SLI? If the Xstars don't work with anything other than DVI and each card only has one, you're kinda screwed. In SLI, you lose the outputs on the second card.

Wait, ya are you trying to run 3 displays? as you're going to need display port to come in somewhere most likely

display port to dual link DVI is a thing and would solve your problem.

even though HDMI to DVI doesn't work? I don't have the second X-Star yet but hope to acquire soon. I only want to run 2. Right now I have a DP2710LED and a Benq which I will move to the living room once I p/u a Xstar or Qnix.

oh BTWs I'm getting some serious artifacting on Dying Light when in SLI now. WTF

Did you run DDU and clean install all your drivers when you added the second card?

I don't even know what DDu is but I'll look it up.

Download latest version, extract & run. When it prompts you, choose the option to safe reboot and then remove all nvidia drivers and it will reboot again. Then install your drivers again and see what happens.


If you're running Windows 10, disable automatic driver updates as this will just force windows to install old crappy drivers and you'll be back where you started most likely.

HDMI to DVI should work just need a box from radioshack or bestbuy to convert the signal. the display port to DVi is a little dongle and can be found at best buy or radioshack (quain would love my local shack still has all the little DIY parts)

I thought Radio Shack went out of business, nationwide?

Historically, (for me anyway) clean installing drivers has always been a red herring. But it is the easiest thing to do. My thoughts were more along the lines of "you've got two mid-range cards running @ 8x cuz u run Z97 so thins is what u get for being so dumb as to think SLI would really be a thing 4 u.

Wait are you actually suggesting you would see a limitation of 8x in SLI because of Z97? Please tell me I misread that or you're joking.

Well yeah, We've had this discussion before. SLI on a X platform makes more sense then on a Z, H, B or any AMD platform.

If your game can't SLI then you're just running your $300 card @ 8x instead of x16