I don't like to keep posting topics on here but inevitable I am constantly having issues. I am near just re-installing my OS and starting over but really grudge doing so. Seems I have some driver issues among other things. To start with my video wasn't working properly so I was trying to make sure all my drivers were up to date not sure if I am suppose to get the chipset from my motherboard site or AMD at first I grabbed it from the mobo site and then it seemed to make more sense to me to grab it from AMD after installing AMDs (newer) my audio has been disabled. Nothing really shows under device manager but from the taskbar it has a red X over it. It also doesn't work in linux distros I have on pc. tried reinstalling audio drivers from mobo site, realtek site, using MicrosoftFixit.AudioPlayback.RNP, redoing chipset drivers, and system restores to no avail. I am paranoid that if I go and reinstall everything I am going to end up with the same issues. No viruses are read to be on the pc, I've used driversweeper, CCC un-instaler, RegCurePro and a few other things here and there I don'tr know if they've created this issue or what.
Mobo DL: http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/CROSSHAIR_V_FORMULAZ/#support_Download_30
AMD DL: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/raid_windows.aspx#2
Topic with other issues: https://teksyndicate.com/forum/overclocking/games-freeze-pre-oc-fx-8350-7970-plus-oc-advice/148834