Dr Ian Cutress leaves Anandtech


All hail Tech, tech Potato :wink:


I have a feeling he’s going to LTT Labs


Wouldn’t be surprised.


I vaguely remember Linus saying he was going to try to recruit him but would likely be turned down.


we’ll see soon.


Doubt it❎


Yep. I do wholly support him joining Labs though. It sounds like he has no intention of being engulfed in any chip giant’s company structure that might stifle his personal expression on the hardware and technology the big names produce.

Just to cover my bases here… If he were to join LTT labs I’m optimistic about it, LTT is fun to watch and I don’t want it to change, but they are clearly aiming for the clicks sometimes and not always going for the most accurate content.


I figure he’d go independent rather than work for labs. His channel can grow more than working for labs

I’m surprised his channel is still as small as it is. I guess maybe the algorithm doesn’t like him either.

Whatever he ends up doing, I hope it works out well for him. He seems like a cool dude.


People prefer entertainment over journalism


Sad, but true.

Cue Metallica. :metal:


I don’t blame folks for just wanting entertainment for their Tube viewing as I do enjoy this from time to time as well.

The problem is that the algo is really pushing folks to all teh click-baity content rather then more pedestrian content like you know, actual knowledge dropping content like what Ian gives folks on his channel.

We can all just complain until the cows come home but this is all driven by ads and Youtube wants the money.

good for him…
i long since stopped using anantech as a source of info.
i stopped around the same time they were sold to purch who did the same thing they did with toms hardware.
more ad’s than content.

That seem to be all that is ever recommended of them to me.

While I known there is a lot going on under the name, joining “LTT Labs” sounds like “Gourment McD’s chef” nice title but not likely to be taken seriously considering their other content.

I hope I am wrong but it seem like since GN have gotten a lot more serious with testing Linus is bandwaggoning with vastly more money to try and just mega creator his way to being the go to for everything.


So this was the “big, real OG” Linus was talking about

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Dang! I’d be happy if he joined the LTT thingy, assuming that is what Ian desires. Ian’s work has been very informative for me as a consumer. The industry needs critical reviewers like him, especially ones that get in to the sordid details of actual computation.

Tech Youtubers (Hardware Unboxed, GamersNexus) make nice unbiased reviews but there is often a focus on games. What I care about is getting work done. Unfortunately what I’ve noticed, and what people like Patrick from ServeTheHome have commented about, is that reviewers from the “getting work done” camp often have problematic incentives that might influence their reviews.

So whatever Ian moves on to, I hope for our sake he keeps it up!

I might cross post this to make sure Ian sees that people appreciate his efforts.

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I would be happy if he was consultant or regular guest on the more popular tech tube channels. Maybe pick what he wants to work on and let the other channels worry about the ratings. Maybe like a resident fellow for LTT labs.

Or a possible spinoff of LTT Labs where he can leverage his knowledge for something more factual, rather than the entertainment that Linus’ main channels go for. Something like GN but for the more enterprise-y stuff.

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