DP 1.4 KVM - USB Port 1 Issues

KVM Model:

Display Port 1.4 KVM Switch - Dual Monitor

USB Interface (5-gigabit or 10-gigbit):



I went to use my KVM, which hasn’t been used in about a year, and I’m having trouble getting USB connections through the first port. It seems to work fine on the second port.

I’ve tried various combinations of the hotkeys [lctrl, lctrl, F7] and [lctrl, lctrl, u] and can’t seem to find any scenario I can get the first USB port to output. I’m a little worried it might be dead, but wanted to sanity check to see if maybe I’m missing troubleshooting steps I can take.

Appreciate any help!

Other Notes:

  • Using a Window 11 machine and a MacBook Pro.
  • HID and the USB 3 ports have the same behavior.
  • Regardless of which OS is plugged into which port, the second port seems to be working fine.
  • If I toggle to the first port, and try using the USB from the second port it doesn’t work.
  • I have tried various keyboards and a USB flash drive
  • I have tried leaving the KVM unplugged for a couple of minutes and replugging it back in.
  • I have tried another cable

It seems like you’ve went through most of the basic troubleshooting I’d recommend.

The one thing I’d recommend for science,

  • try unplugging everything. All USBs, DisplayPort connections, aux, etc. Leave it there for 5 minutes.
  • Plug the Windows 11 PC’s displayport cable normally into it a monitor.
  • Plug the Windows 11 PC’s USB cable into it and the KVM port 1.
  • Plug in 1 basic peripheral into the KVM, like your mouse.
  • Plug in the KVM.

So, you should only have 3 things plugged into your KVM: port 1 USB connection, mouse, and power. This is just eliminating all other factors for a clear “does it work at all” test.