Hello, I just build a PC with windows 7 on it. Every time I download an installer or .zip file it will be corrupted or stop installing. I can't find anything to help. Please tell me what I can Do.
It's hard to tell what could be causing this, and your specs don't help (Well unless it's the SSD), since it's most likely your internet or the OS and/or some of the software that's causing this.
Get 7zip or winrar (try the opposite of what you're using) for the zip files.
And if you have an antivirus, i suggest you get rid of it, since that's at the top of the list of suspects...
Otherwise, i can only suggest a reinstall of Windows, but only as a last resort and trying what anyone else suggests. (if someone else does post).
See if you can leave something more specific and/or images. Make a screenshot with prtscr (Printscreen) and paste (ctrl + v) to MS Paint or Photoshop, if you have it. (Search for paint in the start menu).
As for antiviruses, im using Avira and it does not mess with anything in my system. Just a small window pops up once in a while in bottom lower corner, but i can live with that.