Double pc build for me & the girlfriend [belgium]

so, due to circumstances it might be the perfect time for me and my girlfriend to both get a new rig going.

i recently had one of my most reliable rigs catch fire (currently replaced by the most frankensteined thing ever)

my girlfriend's laptop is undead at this point.

and above all: a friend is selling me his two GTX760 graphics cards for €250 (substracted from listed budgets)

decided to put them in one thread, as our requirements are fairly similar, and having similar computers would have some advantages.

the requirements are as follows:


--my rig, budget: no more than €1075, as low as possible

i7 4790k (preferably)

8GB ram as a bare minimum (preferably 16)

two OS boot drives and a mass storage drive (was thinking 500GBx2 and 2TB)

at least one legacy pci slot. (preferably, i have some old stuff laying around)

(one of the GTX760s for graphics)

possibility to upgrade (i'll probably never do SLI/crossfire tho)

silence is a major factor

i dont need any fancy components, it will be hidden under my desk anyways.

no need for new peripherals


--my girlfriend's rig, budget: no more than €1375, as low as possible

i5 or i7

8GB ram (can be more if theres money for it)

SSD would be a nice addition, but not required, always a big hard drive. (she's a storage hog)

(one of the GTX760s for graphics)

possibility to upgrade (i'll probably never do SLI/crossfire tho)

silence would be nice, but not required.

no need for fancy components or windowed case.

EDIT: she needs wifi

--its her first desktop, so she needs peripherals (except mouse and headset)

preferably mechanical keyboard, no media keys or special features required

1 or (preferably) 2 1080p screens (generic screens are fine, but she likes screens with good color depth)


NOTE: the more similarities between the systems the better, it'd be convenient to have similar rigs when building, upgrading or troubleshooting.

Unless you're doing video editing or some intense 3D modeling, you could probably just go with i5s and just save the money.  GTX 760s are pretty good mid-tier cards, but most of your money should be going into your GPU if you mainly game.

Couple of questions, basically:

  1. Will you be overclocking?
  2. What will you and your gf be doing with these computers?
  3. Do you need Wifi?
  4. Do you need an OS?

German PcPartPicker used for currency.  Here's a starting point.

No periphs:

Added periphs(not sure if you like mechanical or not - this is personal preference, really):

for my girlfriend its mostly gonna be portal and vanilla minecraft, otherwise some light browsing.

for me its heavily, heavily modded minecraft, virtualization, crazy multitasking. (i max out my i7 4770 from time to time)

both computers need an OS

forgot to mention my gf needs wifi (adding to original post)

not sure if i'll be overclocking or not, depends on how silent it is to start with

Sidenote: (web)shops in Belgium are rather expensive, I bought all my parts (and for a friend) in the Netherlands from You can use to compare prices if you want. (prijsvergelijker) is a bit cheaper but their customer service is crap.I'd avoid alternate as well, their staff has no clue what they are selling and won't be able to help you if you have a problem.


yes Azerty is a great shop definitely.

Here are some cheap sites I order from , but I would order all from the same place to save on shipping . <- favorite , no need for any more than just a paypal to order <- after first order , you will need to provide personal info ( cards and such )

Those both do have delivery for cheap , so you can always afford to buy in small amounts .

Now for larger orders I go by , they do ~20€ shipping , but have overall lower prices , but keep in mind the different tax !


Also BTW the belgian laws are great ( don't know if so in other countries ) they force the seller to give you warranty no matter what ( I dropped coke on a piece from LDLC and they took it back ) .


I would also avoid using PCpartpicker for the final purchases , as you can always find cheaper ( they have a small catalog of shops ) .

Also a lot of places have promotions ( eg topachat ) that tip the balance in favor of the belgian sites over the german sites .

You probably won't make it with that budget tho. The two massive bootdrives and Windows are pretty expensive..

no one said they had to be SSDs, but i'm dang impressed with the price for those 500GB SSDs

if i swap them for a WD blue 1TB and a 256GB SSD it becomes a more managable price. a friend also suggested me to switch to an i5 to cut down on the price a bit.

the same guy also suggested me the following build, based on his own experience with parts:

we're basicly speaking of a 10-20% difference in cpu performance when dropping to an i5, and the motherboard seems the best priced one to my liking. 

also: this build is done on the website of a store near me, saving on delivery cost (and potential damage!)

oh, and in case anyone wonders why the 2 boot drives: i'm gonna toss both windows and linux on it, and i want my linux installs to be as seperate as possible.

-The Define R5 costs less than the R4 for some reason, but it's still expensive. If you really want a dead silent case that's the way to go tho.

-The i5 is 100eu cheaper than the i7, up to you to decide if you want it or not.

-The Corsair RM450 is 80+ gold, passive cooling with low load and fully modular.

-MX100 is a great budget ssd, same for the Hyper 212 evo.

my parents (who know nothing about computers) said it'd be better i spend some more money, to get those extra small boosts (like an i7) and gave me green light to spend more.

ended up here:

got a fully modular, totally overkill power supply (recommended by a friend who has the exact same power supply, and is very happy with it)

also got the i7 instead of the i5, and a slightly better motherboard.