Doom Eternal adds ring 0 access Denuvo Anti Cheat, screwing all Proton users over

None of this is really surprising, since Proton isn’t native support. Play AAA games on Windows or consoles if you’re worried about sudden changes in being able to play.

Although I suspect many here aren’t fans of AAA game devs anyway, so things like these should be a net boon.

For those curious, here’s the BluePill slides from 2006 :smiley:

As an aside, this is also one reason why both apple and Microsoft have put so much effort into signed drivers and a root chain of trust (apple’s t2 chip, microsoft/intel trusted platform initiative, etc.).

It’s not just purely “fuck linux running on our hardware!”.

That could be literally any game that is capable of being updated after installation.

That’s what I understood too. I guess we will just have to wait and see if they correct the blog post

From what I understood/read, and it seems ID did acknowledge it, there is a bug that now simply reinstalls Denuvo even if you just start up single-player. A fix is/was promised in due time for that.

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does that mean that you only need to install denuvo for multiplayer?

Also does this mean people who just wanted to play single player should be less mad in theory?

The fact it’s a pre-requisite in the VDF installation script is what’s making this pretty bad for their PR. Denuvo’s PR says “It’s our debut! Look other devs! You can protect your microtransactions from mods!” Whereas the fix would mean people have to manually grab the installer and install it just for the multiplayer portion. It would make Denuvo’s PR look bad because it’s an optional installation, but having it in the VDF is equally as bad.


VERY good tweet thread here, and it’s worth the read:

That is literally what they did, but purposely waited until the refund time frame was over. I’d say that shows not only that there is the capability, there is the will.

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This just means that we will need to wait a minimum of at least 2 months to ensure they never do anything shady or stupid and any day 1 patch crap is taken care of.

Really bummed that the days of buying games on release was a good experience.

We went from ‘no preorders because they will screw you’ to ‘wait 2 months and see if they screw it up’


Pretty much. All hail the LiVeSeRvIcEs !!

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No, the patch installs it regardless. As soon as you patch (which happens automatically) Denuvo gets installed. And so it doesn’t matter if you only play SP

Seems like someone made a solution for downgrading the game to an earlier version here

that site, is it actual Kaspersky’s data dump site?

I am not worried about Kaspersky, but just wanna check before going to a similar named site…

Seems to work fine for me.

Looks like they listened to the complaints


I don’t know… I mean, that’s good of course but I still don’t want to buy it anymore.


IMO this doesn’t make a dev inherently bad. They throw shit like this in call of duty all the time and no one cares… Doom has a different fan base that cares and the dev reacted.

I don’t disagree with that, that is the logical way to think about it. It’s just a personal feeling for me. “The magic is gone” kind of thing.