So I had windows 8.1 on my system until yesterday, I would like to share some of my issues with the new system.
1 - Mouse Issues.
Admittedly mine where not as bad as some peoples was, Batman AC worked well for me, that's all I played on it really, Did jump a little bit though.
2 - Unable to access my folders.
A rather annoying and potentially a crippling issue from both Security and general use stand point, The security side is I don't have access to deleting any files that maybe dangerous on arrival (Such as from adverts, downloads etc) Although thankfully I never got any thing as I never really downloaded anything, It stopped me accessing any files from stuff like VS, Office, Downloads and even my computer, Great no access to C:\ or my 2nd drive Thanks...
3 - Software issues.
This is a normal issue with a new version of windows, devs need time to be ready but to be fair Its more of a under the hood improvement is 8.1 (Or supposed to be) stuff like origin would crash and at boot It would bug me until I pressed Yes for something that didn't even happen, Also stuff like CFOS would crash randomly, Nice move windows reminds me of the early days of vista (BTW I like vista!)
4 - Uber slow boot times.
I'm finally running on an SSD, nothing super duper amazing its only an 840evo 120GB but the boot times where what my HDD could do, I never had this problem with W8 and any other OS, so seems that the OS is rather messy, even after TRIM it still did same.
So avoid this OS, I'm starting to hopefully make Linux my home for the future, with Windows as VM, or unless MS actually stop with all this crap and go back to their old ways, IMO I feel this could be the downfall of Windows, a lot of average consumers already do not like 8, Nice way to make them like you more MS!