do you guys think i should buy 4 gigs of dominator ram or should i get another brand? is it really worth the money? someone plz answer?
I think that's up to you to decide, I read somewhere else that some nvidia boards are chewing up dominator ram...Is it the ram or the board, I dunno...but If that happens I would rather it happen to cheaper memory.
i have an amd 790fx board.
Lets put it this way, dominator is like monster cables, its not really worth it. i would not get dominator, just go with a good brand. like ocz, or mushkin. just remember, if you want 4 gigs, your going to have to get a 64 bit operating system
crucial ballistix/tracer, mushkin, patriot performance, and corsair xms2 will be great, the dominator is good only if ur doing soe hXc OCing