Dolphin Bluetooth passthrough


I am back at it again, trying to setup dolphin with bluetooth passthrough on Ubuntu 18.04 (Pop!_OS 18.04), but it sadly isn’t reading my udev rule or I have written it incorrectly

I got my PID and my VID using

lspci -knn | grep Net -A2; lsusb

One of the outputs was:

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0b05:17cb ASUSTek Computer, Inc. Broadcom BCM20702A0 Bluetooth

which corresponds to my Asus bluetooth adapter ( I know its not the best one and has some issues)

and according to it, I created an udev rule

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b05", ATTRS{idProduct}=="17cb", TAG+="uaccess"

as it was shown here

example was:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="YOURVID", ATTRS{idProduct}=="YOURPID", TAG+="uaccess"

I reload the udev rules with:

sudo udevadm control --reload

I even tried with the unloading as it was writed in the wiki

modprobe -r btusb

and again reloading the rules, sadly the outcome is the same
Bluetooth passthrough mode is enabled, but no usable Bluetooth USB device was found. Aborting.

Maybe somebody has faced and solved this issue, could share with the solution, or an idea

EDIT: formatting text and fixed title

What worked for me is putting the rules inside /lib/udev/rules.d/ instead of /etc/udev/rules.d/

you will need to reinsert the bluetooth dongle or restart if you have a built in device like on laptops.

in Dolphin you need to ‘sync’ for the first time just set it in the hotkeys section in options.

and thats how i got my wiimote plus to work with passthrough :slight_smile: