Does The Ryzen 7 2700 support USB C

Hi, the title says it all.

I got a spare Ryzen 7 2700 and no motherboard as I used it to upgrade to a Ryzen 7 3700 (got it cheap 2. Hand)

I have 2 PC stations and I want to use the 2700 on the same station. The station is so set up that all USB devices are route threw a USB-C to USB 3 dock. So all the USB signals get plugged into a dock on my desk. I don’t want to change that. I used to use my 2080s USB-C to connect the dock. The USB-C connector never seem to work on the Motherboard. The 2080 is now in use with the new system, as is the old Motherboard. Now I want to buy a new one. But I have to ask. Does the 2700 even support USB-C from the Motherboard, or was that the problem.

USB-C is just a physical connector, which can hold USB 2.0 - USB4.
So if a motherboard has a connector on it it will have a controller for it which will be connected through PCIe or directly from the SoC on the CPU.

So yes it is supported but what you get is reliant on the controller it’s connected to.

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it works on my 2600

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