I was reading posts on Facebook when somebody linked to SummonTheNSA.com. He dared Amercians to click the link, which searches a bunch of TSA trigger words on Google, causing the NSA to come to your house and arrest you. This gets me thinking, does the NSA really arrest people based on Google searches?
I'm sure they would need some other evidence such as conversations with known 'persons of interest' and such. Anyway I've just clicked the button so I'm probably going to be anal probed next time I fly into the US haha.
No, it just adds points. If you've already have lots of points for having a beard, being muslim, viewing weird/violent videos and so fourth.
Rack up enough points and you're getting guantanimo bay'd.
I wonder how much NSA XP it takes to get Guantanimoed
You will also need Cloak of bank robbery balaclava, potion of VX gas, powder of anthrax along with the XP points.
NSA doesn't arrest anyone. They've been going after child pornographers lately on TOR.
NSA doesn't have juristicional rights in State affairs, they call in the local SWAT team to bust down your door and hold you for questioning by the FBI.
...And if you're dumb enough to think you are being robbed, (the sound of the door being kicked in at 3 in the morning combined with the sound of an m16 being used on your dog), and pull a gun, they murder you and get off with nothing more than just a slap on the wrist.
Have any evidence of this?
Convicted felons aren't allowed to have firearms, even if their felonies were non-violent, non-drug related in nature.
You don't have to be a felon to recieve a no-knock warrent. Just an acusation and a judge willing to grant the warrent. Besides, there have been plenty of instances where they have kicked in the door of the wrong house.
You didn't understand what I was saying. I was trying to make a point that carrying firearms as a felon even if those felonies were not in any way shape or form related to firearms is illegal which is pretty fucking ridiculous if you ask me.
Felons who don't want to be sent to prison for 30 years don't have firearms in their house when SWAT teams bust down their doors either.