Does anyone know how to move this stupid thing on Kali?

Recently upgraded to Kali 2 and the desktop is horrible. How do you move this? Also, how do you add and remove applications from it? Thanks.

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The desktop enviroment is Gnome Shell (also known as Gnome 3.x) it's the successor to Gnome 2.x ;-)

The thing you do not like is basically a quickstart - with gnome-tweak tool and additions from you can customize the desktop enviroment.

You're right!! It is a stupid thing! Use awesomeWM instead O:

Thanks for the links everyone, I think I got it squared away.

I might just find more and more things I loathe about GNOME 3 though and switch to a different desktop environment.


I don't know what Kali used for gnome 3 but if it used gnome 2 then your best choice would probably mate as it's basically a fork of gnome 2 thats still being maintained

Yeah I think it was GNOME 2. I'll look into mate, didn't know that about it. Thanks!