I'm looking for some interesting documentaries to watch. I'm open to subject matter, however id love some technology related ones. What are your favorites?
Does Mythbusters count? I like Whale Wars too.
What exactly do they do on Whale Wars? My knowledge of the show comes from an episode of South Park.
The documentary Free To Play that was on steam was pretty good.
I haven't seen any good tech documentaries recently.
Unrelated to tech you could try Happy People: A Year in the Taiga. Most of the documentaries I see these days follow that annoying highly repetitive history channel format that I cant stand.
It talks about an organization that protects the whales from Japanese Whalers in South Australia seas. Their ships constantly attack the whaling fleet etc, they claim that Japanese Whalers always use research as a means to supply whale meat to Japanese for consumption.
Some of my favorites, not related to technology.
The fog of war
Hearts of darkness
Jodorwosky's Dune
For tech: Who Killed the Electric car, Revenge of the Electric Car (huge love letter to Elon Musk), Print The Legend (3d printing really good), Please Subscribe (youtube sort of ok)
Everything else: Inside North Koreo, Secret State of North Koreo (anything about NK is bound to be kind of mind blowing), Restrepo (US war in Afghanistan must watch), Buffalo Girls (young female Muay Thai fighters like under 10), Jiro Dreams of Sushi (who knew sushi could be so riveting), BBC's Hiroshima
30 for 30: The Price of Gold. from Netflix: "The Price of Gold" examines figure skater Tonya Harding's involvement with the attack on competitor Nancy Kerrigan prior to the 1994 Winter Olympics.
I don't follow any sport but the espn 30 for 30 series are some amazing watches and I would recommend all of them Highly.
Currently, I'm into nutrition so I would recommend Forks Over Knives. I think you can watch it on netflix. This documentary could be a potential life-saver.
TPB AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) is really good. But i think it's in swedish with English subtitles. And "United states of secrets" is allso good, we watched it in school today.
TPB AFK is a must watch in my opinion. It kinda shows everything that’s wrong with legislation, and how superficial lawmaker’s understanding of technology is.
At the same time they guys behind TPB were obviously naive if were they thinking that the big corporations won’t buy everyone in the court just to put them behind the bars.
Still I like the idea behind TPB, because it reiterates the problem with digital rights management - you bought it, but you don’t own it. Like a book that you cannot give to anyone after you’ve finished reading it.
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