I was sat thinking that there are one or two exclusive games on console that I wouldn't mind seeing on PC, Then I thought what is the point of exclusivity? It won't boost sales in some cases it would be loosing sales because spending £400 to play one game isn't very logical so the game companies would be loosing money for not having the game on PC. Do you think they should stop with the exclusivity and make every game available on PC?
no ... they should not exclude the driving force of the technology that they are trying to exploit.
They make more money at the time though because they get a huge bloody lump sum of money from microsoft or who ever to keep it exclusive so that people will buy their shit.
I don't like it, but it's business, and all they're thinking about is how quickly they can rack in the money, not how much they more they can get over a longer period of time.
I think the market will sort it out in time.
dog eat dog ... lion eats dog ... elephant crushes lion ... mouse scares elephant to death ... cat eats mouse ... dog kills cat ... ect ... ect
I think I have read this book ... but I can't remember how it ends ...
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
Robert Jordan ........... RIP
No I hate the idea of exclusivity. Games should either be created for all systems, or for the system they were created on alone (PC). I would prefer the former if the devs have the resources, but some indie devs simply do not.
That is the introduction to pretty much all of the Wheel of Time books and there are 14 of them (Do not spoil anything for me. I'm on the sixth book right now). You might have read Eye of the World, the first one in the series.
I used to be a proponent of exclusivity as it was my main reason to buy a particular console (Sony for example) but once I did my research and look more into the exclusive process, I immediately oppose it. It is bad for the gaming industry.
It's not that easy, as both sony and microsoft directly OWN some dev companies. A company owned by Sony isnt going to put out a game for the competition.
as soon as any platform has more than 5 titles I want to play I usually just buy it.
so far have held off on both the xbone and ps4 as neither of them really have much I want to play
its sad really
With how popular PC gaming is now exclusives will become more rare. Steam is beating PSN and Xbone Live. PC also gets more exclusives that any console.
Console exclusives are like saying you need all the cable channels you do not want just to get the few that you do.
People will buy a console just to play a game.Believe me..they will.
Console exclusives might or might not be a major selling point.It depens on what people want to play.You see people buying consoles to just play fifa..or call of duty..why?because it's a console...that's the basic and most relevant answer you are going to get from an average consumer.
We have exclusives on pc as well,and on top of that we have mods.But we evolved ..or should i say involved(if that's a real word)to the point where we kinda get too lazy to try and mod our games.
Pretty much a company that makes consoles will try and buy a developer whose game will be a hit.It's pretty much like a gamble,sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn't.
The basic argument for them not porting a game to PC is because there might not be an audience looking for that game or piracy or just the simple "f*** you,we already make enough money,we don't care if you wan't a pc port"
should it continue? no. will it continue? yes. back when consoles were a different architecture i kind of made a little sense since they are writing code that isnt very compatible with PC architecture. but now that PS4 and XBONE run on X86 then there is no excuse to launch exclusive titles since XBONE uses DX and Windows uses DX. Windows also support OpenGL as does PS4. so time for the era of console exclusivity to end. or better yet, time for the era of PC exclusivity to begin.
Console exclusivity should definitely end. As has been said before, the 'next gen' consoles are running X86, and use either DX or OpenGL, which are supported on PC.
No they should be made across all platforms to the best of the developers abilities. There are a few games from consoles I would love on PC most of the are racing games, the PC just lacks fun racing games.
While it is a money maker I would not mind a timed exclusive, those are okay in my books, but only if the eventual port is good and they used the down time to make a decent go of it. We don't need ports like GTA IV and [insert Ubisoft game here].
The only other caveat, to this is if the developer in question has never made a game for Platform X and the they can't possibly do it. In that case better licnecing agreements would be great to allow capable devs to take up the job, employ more people, improve the code base and games available for all peoples.
This goes for applications too, looking at you Adobe, better cross platform development benefits everyone in the long run. Might also help some developers stop going bankrupt so often.
The free market will decide if this bull shit will continue. We don't have to buy these games
The free market is dead. Huge Corporations (in this case Microsoft) are paying HUGE amounts of money for anti-competitive business models are becoming common place, especially with UbiSoft right now. It seems that no matter how horrible the crap they release is, and how much they destroy what could have been a great game, people still buy their crap. Console FanBoys keep this fire going, and will always buy total crap and think its awesome, and in the process it hurts everyone else who just want to play good games. The XBox One should not have survived the first month, yet MS still has found ways to get people to buy the things, and are now paying to make sure the games for the PS4 don't get made to perform better (in the name of "parity" according to Ubisoft), and totally screwing over the PC gamers. I would love more games on the PC, but if they aren't any good, I'm not buying or playing them. I keep expecting something to take my attention away from Diablo 3, yet, it hasn't appeared yet (sad). I have 2 PS4s that just set there, lonely, unfed.
As far as console exclusives, its to get people who are otherwise undecided on what system to buy to sway toward a specific system, and it works. Look at how many people are suckered into XBox because of Halo (I bought the original XBox for the original Halo, played it for about 30 minutes, then the XBox became a really expensive MP3 player for my entertainment system). I don't mind exclusives on console when its something like The Last of Us, where Naughty Dog wanted to squeeze every bit of performance from the system that they could and make a good game that just wouldn't play on the other system (wheres the PC version though), and I think more of these should be made where they make games the absolute best they can and push the limits, but a game shouldn't be exclusive or made horribly on other systems just because a console maker throws some money at the devs. The free market hasn't existed in U.S. in many many years, because the big corporations and American Government threw it away. (big corps throwing money around, government being used as a business tool and as a loan company to save the big corporations who would otherwise be shut down due to free market)
The Xbone did and should have no matter what survived because it has the backing of a company with the money to sustain a few losses. It's not 'anti-competitive' to buy a title and put it on your system only, why would you pay to put games on you competitors system? I know I sure as hell wouldn't. As for Ubisoft let me make this very clear if you don't like how they do things DONT BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all there is to it, but if Ubisoft wants to put the 2 systems at the same level they have every right to, they don't have to use every drop of power.
No- as a gamer console exclusivity is anti-consumer, and promotes piracy. I have no objections to paying for good games, in fact i want to support the developer, but i will ignore if this $60 game comes with a $500 hardware cost. It segregates the community and limits the possibility
Yes- as a console producer, it makes people want to buy the xbone/PS4. it gives the consumer a reason to buy our products.
In reality the only console that actually makes sense in the Wii, it is an under powered piece of crap, but it at least has good games that i shall love forever. Live long and prosper Nintendo.