Do you honestly think linux will take over as a gaming OS?

why does it have to be binary? i don't give a toss about some revelGNUtion sweeping through the country and M$ computers being burned in the streets as we praise the new advent of open source.
if i could reliably game on Linux, i would switch. i can't. i don't want Linux to take over, i just want not to buttclench when installing games.

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if Microsoft continues it's data harvesting and tries to lock windows down more or breaks backwards compatibility too much. then yes Linux could take over. though if ReactOS ever gets stable I could see it easily replace both.

gpu passthrough can give linux a big advantage at far as converting people over but that won't happen until a good GUI for setting it up exists.

another thing people should note is that in linux distros like ubuntu it's currently very easy to break OS functionality by mixing and matching old and new software due to it needing multiple versions of the same dependency and the problem is getting worse as it ages. I can't remember how many times I've broken system sound while trying to do something that should be simple like updating a media player.


For me it already has. I have 2 systems that I game on, a laptop and desktop. Each are running Linux with Steam. I am OK with the current selection of titles - there is something good available in just about every genre, and the library is growing rapidly. If you use Linux as a daily driver and game casually there is no reason not to game on Linux.

Taking over is extreme language though. I don't even want that to begin with - I simply want for my Linux system to have access to most titles that are available on Windows. I think that is a very viable future, where Windows guys can play on their systems, Linux guys can play on theirs, and we will all go kill each other in Counter Strike indiscriminately - Equal Opportunity Headshots for all! :)


AMD recently released their updated AMDGPU-PRO drivers for Ubuntu 16.04, if anyone is interested. Does enable OGL4.5 and Vulkan (both missing from OSS driver), I know the driver says its only tested on a small batch of cards, but it works on many others, even heard of someone using it on a 7790HD card even thought they clearly state only GCN1.1 and 1.2 cards atm.

Anyway I don't think the driver is NVIDIA performance level yet, AMD put way too much effort behind DirectX which is why they struggle with OpenGL.

Depends on what you mean by "Linux" and "take over." There is an argument to be made, for example, that Linux has already taken over a huge sector of the gaming market, if you want to count Android.

But, assuming you are asking the question: "Will Linux reach the kind of market share in the desktop gaming sector that Windows occupies now?", so let's say 80-90%, I would say that it's not likely to happen soon. Microsoft is simply too entrenched, and the incentives for the average gamer to switch simply aren't there yet, and don't seem to be there in the foreseeable future.

Many of us here would love to see it happen, but I don't think it's likely. What may happen is that Linux becomes a viable alternative to Windows, as @DeusQain suggested, and we've actually made tremendous strides toward that goal in just the last couple of years. Another thing that may happen is that millions of people give up their x86 PCs and start doing the majority of their computing on an ARM-based mobile device that maybe doubles as a desktop computer with a monitor and a keyboard. In that scenario, as well, Linux gaming could take over, but even if that does eventually happen, it's a long way off.

I count Android as Linux as much as I count iOS as BSD.

ReactOS will be a day late and a dollar short. ReactOS is a reimplementation of NT 5.X. (Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003) By the time they hit 1.0, XP will be over a quarter of a century old and even now, nobody makes drivers for XP anymore.

No it won't, if you need to run Windows in a VM, you might as well run Windows natively.


This is my point of view Linux could take a bigger market share from windows if they could do a few things
1 Have a version that will install and run and does not need terminal commands to make it work.
2 Have a store where you can go and down load your programs games and so on.
3 Have a forum site that just caters to this one version of Linux and shows people how to make changes just using the GUI.
This would give you an OS the would be close to Windows and Mac OS
There are way to many versions that already cater to all the people that want to get into there OS and make it do what ever they want using the Terminal.
I have been using computers since 1986 Apple II e / Atari 800 xl PC with an 8 bit processor and 51/4 disks and when windows came out and the 386 i drop DOS in the garbage and went to windows and never looked back.
Me I would like nothing more then to get rid of windows, I have tried Linux over the years and still come down to the same problem you have to work at Linux to make it work.
If i have to work at Linux to get it to do things then i am not doing the things i want to do with my computer and thats games Internet and anything else.
I know computers and when i looked up Linux which one do you use, you get over load there is I would say more then 20+ distros and in each distro there is different options.
Look how people got upset when Windows 7 had more then 3+ different types and performance.
The average person wants to do less with there OS then I do.
Just a few observations, will still play with Linux and learn a few things and see where it takes me.
Just my point of view I think that Linux would get better if the distros would join forces and instead of there being 20+ distros there was more like 5 all those programmers working together to make a better product and less confusion in the market place.
Have a day


The terminal isn't evil, It's the most efficient way to do shit because it's Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Shift+V. Hell, I even had to follow a guide for Windows 10 and I had to open up powershell to do some things.

Sorry for my long rang be holding this in for a while.
That is my point you have 20+ versions of linux to choose from.
You like terminal commands I do not. I have looked at what people post on the web to fix what ever problem I am having, looked at it and by using the GUI solved the problem with 5 - 10 clicks of a mouse. That beats the 40 character typed commands in terminal in my opinion.
Terminal is for some people and the GUI is for others.
I do not want to spend time learning all the commands, I want to use the GUI find the problem and make a few clicks and i am done.
Typing commands for me is slow and inefficient and I would still have to learn what the commands are. In a GUI that is done right. the info you need in order to make the dissension to click on or off is by the on or off button.
Yes terminal does have its place like the one you posted . For me terminal does not have a place in download and installing software and other simple tasks.
The way i see it is linux wants me to fit into there mold and do things the way they think i should do them. In windows i click and on the few times i use terminal commands to do things.
That is the big difference. You want people to use linux then you will have to build an OS that people want. I have talked to friends about trying linux and they say the same thing make terminal commands 5% and less of what i have to do to get things to run then linux they would be working on right now.
This is my point 20+ linux versions that cater to the use of terminal commands .
And 0 that cater to the use of the GUI for 95% of the OS fuctions. And this means the forums and info being given out. You will find very few if non at all. someone giving info out that says click here here here and here your done.
This is a good discussion on the OS you are not going to find someone that does not know much about windows come onto a Linux discussion and tell people what they want from an OS cuz they just want simple and Mac OS and Windows is what they know. And these are the people that make up 75% of the OS users. They do not know or care to do anything more with there OS then to have it open a browser and then open facebook.
If you want linux to be wide spread you have to convert people like me who have worked on many OS's and computers to tell other people that linux is great and you should use it.
And then they can tell other people that know less then them to do the same.
Linux will spread by word of mouth throu the population but Linux rep is what it is right now to much techno babble to make it worth there while.
And gaming is going more and more into the less techno savvy people. When I started with computers we made up a small percentage of the population now people that have and use a computer and have no desire to learn as much as we had to learn in the early days of computers.
Mas OS and Windows made it so people could us a PC with very little effort on the part of the user.


as software advances you can expect DRM to be more online and "cloud" based. making new AAA games less desirable. which leaves you with old games and indie titles. both of which are very likely to run on windows XP and no doubt once the reactOS devs have a stable NT 5.0 kenel it's not a big jump to 6.0 especially since mostly all you need is gpu and wifi compatibility.

as far as gpu pass through goes it has less hackery to deal with and modern hardware has features to make it run as fast as or faster then native depending on how much ram you have. namely the cpu extensions for VT-x , VT-d and the GVT-d, GVT-g and GVT-s modes added to iris pro gpu's. amd can do much of the same stuff by taking advantage of AMD-VI. you also don't need to dual boot with Virtual machines and full screen only games can be windowed.

I wouldn't say the number of choices is a bad thing and there are literally hundreds of distros, but the problem is like I said, a lack of standardization in a user friendly standard.

It's not about "liking" terminal commands, you can setup an 80-year-old with a Linux distro and they don't have to know what it means, they just have to know copy and paste. If you want to not use the terminal to install stuff, you can go into the software centre and install synaptic and you can add and remove packages the slow way if you want to. If Instructions say sudo apt-get install whatever, or sudo apt-get remove whatever, go into synaptic and and search and click on the things and do it the slow way.

Also, mac power users use the terminal a lot. The command line isn't a "relic of the past", it's an efficient tool to get shit done.


I agree that wenn it comes to user friendliness Linux still has a long way to go still.
Allthough its getting pretty easy to install software and applications on certain linux distributions nowdays.
Its still a bit of a pain wenn it comes to get graphics drivers etc to work properly.
I personaly dont think that Linux will takeover the desktop market for gamers.
But i do think that it might get be a viable alternative to Windows for gamers in the future,
if Vulkan gets a succes.

Most people think of PC as "windows". When you use a PC, you use "windows". If you use something else, it is weird, complicated, hard, time consuming, "only nerds do that" etc. Nobody in their right mind would do that. No matter that many a Linux dist can both be easier to install and use. Until Linux gains "Mind Share" as a functional and easy to use Operating System, people will continue to use Ms Windows 'cause it is "standard". This takes time, a ridiculous amount of time. I've been using Linux for about 20 years now. It will probably take another 20 years for Linux to become "standard" and it will take a lot of hard work. And if nobody puts in the work needed, it will simply never happen.

I don't think it will take over and i don't think the goal is for it to take over. I think the goal is to provide solid competition to not only give people other options but to force Microsoft to act in the best interest of gamers.

I think really, we need to start speaking up to game publishers and studios and trying to pressure them to make their games compatible with Linux. Acknowledging the market is quite small but that a very significant reason for that is the how common it is for games to not be supported for Linux. That competition with OS is healthy for the industry and best for consumers and when they don't provide support for Linux they're strengthening the Microsoft monopoly on gaming OS.


If anyone cares, here is my 2 cents. I think that if linux is strong in a time where microsoft is financially doing bad or has bad public image, it might gain a lot of market share. This means that linux has to be strong however. I needs to have a single cohesive desktop experience, good drivers, an easy way to run most windows applications, and most of all be familiar to windows users. Oh, and not require terminal access for anything, for some reason most users are scared of the terminal.


Disagree, for the enthusiast community, sure, but for the general public, not really. Look, give someone Ubuntu with the launcher on the bottom, scale it down, and the general public will assume it is from Microsoft. If retailers sell Linux machines, then most people will take them.

Yes Mac power users use terminal, I had to use terminal when I was running Mac OS X to fix something when I was messing around. Thats not a problem I was my fault for messing with the OS.
And as far as copy and paste I have not been successful copy and pasting into terminal. You can copy and past all the commands into a text document save then right click on the icon and click the make executable and then double click on the icon again to run.
You say that you do not need to know the commands you just copy and paste how is that secure how do you know that what this person just posted is safe will not mess up your computer.

I am willing to acknowledge that you can use what ever interface you like. And the times I tell the linux community it would be great if it could do this I am told the same thing terminal is powerful is fast and so on. The linux community from my point of view does not say wow we could get more people to use our OS if we did this. It comes to the same thing learn to use the terminal.

I am just looking for an open minded linux community that will walk a mile in my shoes and see that using terminal on a day to day bases is very hard annoying and frustrating.

It is good that you have linux to use that is great.

Have a day

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Until they try to install iTunes and flip out because it won't work.

Thing is, they don't. And when they try people falls into FUD, it is not the ordinary thing it is supposed to be. So no sale. It has been tried you know.

True, that is why I think that wine should be a major priority of canonical, not the dumb tablet/phone business. That market is completely taken up and there is no room for more brands.