Do we as gamers live in a nostalgia state of mind?

I want to preference by saying that I have been playing games for years. I was born in 1993 which is important to the rest of this thread. Me being the "Newer generation" of gamers have questioned the way some people see the game industry nowadays. What I mean is that it seems like us as a gaming community complain waaay too much. And most of the complaints I have noticed come from people who grew up with the consoles such as the NES. Which is unfair to say I know, but I see people who grew up in that era do nothing but complain. I want to use an example from a video I saw on youtube. We all know the channel Game Grumps (which I don't watch anymore because it got old) and they played a game called "Playstation All Stars" and they said something on the lines of "If you grew up with these character I kinda feel bad for you". They probably didn't mean anything by it but it made me kind of irritated. I grew up with the genesis and the psx which I love to death. And seeing these old school Sony characters brought back memories of me have friends over to play these games. And to hear someone say basically you got screwed being born to late fucks with me a bit. The new Killer Instinct was just released last week and I went to listen to the theme song because its friggin awesome. And like and idiot I scroll down to the YouTube comments and someone says "Why would they reboot this game? It was better on the snes" And this is before the game is even released. Seeing a comment like that makes me think we as a gaming community live in the past. Yes, I miss playing Sonic 3 and playing Spyro 2 as a child, but I don't want to be so caught up in my nostalgia that I create a bias whenever a new game comes out which I think sometimes gamers do. And when I like a game that people hate I'm "The reason the game industry is how it is today" which is super unfair. I really like DMC (the new one) and I don't really like the old devil may cry trilogy on ps2. And I was SHIT ON for not liking the older ones. I was told that I wasn't a real gamer I'm a COD fag blah blah know how it is. Which doesn't bother me because I like what I like. But just the pure hatred of me not liking something as popular as the old dmc trilogy made me question us as a community.Is it just me or was this past generation not as bad as people made it out to be? I hope people see this and I really want to know other peoples opinion on this topic because its been on my mind since the next gen systems have been released. 

I prefer to just take out all my nostalgia on emulators. Perhaps you should use paragraphs.

yeah I am of the so called newer generation of gamers, and I agree. we need to stop living in the past if we want to develop and make progress and this applies to just about everything. I am not saying old games are bad at all, the oldest game I have played is Zork and I enjoyed it alot more than I thought I would. So old games are good, but we need to let them stay in the past and look towards the future.

I have questioned myself if I am a gamer or not because of a rant I saw about something saying that you shouldn't call yourself a gamer if you haven't heard of this and that, and I concluded that since I didn't grow up when those games where around this shouldn't apply to me, as I can't choose when I grow up, and that we as the newer generation of gamers shouldn't be talking about games we played when we get older and say that these new games are crap. but rather follow development and stay in the now, and not think about the past.

I am sorry if this doesn't make any sense I just wrote down my thoughts.

Saying " You're not a gamer if you haven't heard of x, y z" is kind of stupid. Saying " If you're a gamer you should check out x, y, z " is a less insecure way of saying essentially the same thing I think.

I tend to agree that there can be a lot of nostalgia involved, maybe I'm falling victim to it myself but I do think that things were a little different in the older days of gaming though. Mainly I think it comes down to games being such a new thing that there weren't really many established conventions as well as costs and teams being much smaller. That kind of environment allows a bit more experimentation although this has its own set of disadvantages. Look at the battle UI for the original XCOM, great game but damn that UI was intimidating the first time I saw it after playing lots of more modern games.

Thankfully, we have the indie scene and crowd funding which is encouraging more risk taking which hopefully will pave the way for larger budget titles to follow suit with different kinds of games or genres. Another thing to consider is that the market for games seems to be much larger these days, which on the surface seems like a good thing but again, this is a double edged sword in that it encourages investment in games with a broader appeal and more niche markets can be forgotten.

All in all, I would say things are different these day, I wouldn't say it's worse. Maybe even better, I can't imagine something like Star Citizen existing 10 years ago. Partly because of technical limitations obviously but also because the sheer scale of the project, it probably wouldn't have happened without the advent of crowd funding but who knows, maybe publishers weren't as conservative (or stupid?) back then.

In 10 years you will be complaining about the people born in 2003.  It's the circle of life.  We are all influenced by our past and feel many things that came later aren't as good (sometimes rightfully so).  Welcome to the human race buddy.

Also, a thin skin will not serve you well.  Especially if you watch a show called game grumps and get irritated when they get grumpy about a game.  Second, why would anyone ever read youtube comments?  It's 90% trolls, 5% spammers and 4% 12 year olds trying to sound deep and intellectual.  Leaving 1% for actual constructive comments.  Avoid like the plague.  

Now, as far as games go, the landscape isn't all that bad currently.  People just have a tendency to exaggerate to get their point across, so they make things out to be worse than they actually are.  Yes, there is a dumbing down of mainstream games to a certain extent.  Yes, the recent generation of consoles effectively held back PC gaming development a bit.  But never before have there been so many games to choose from, from so many different sources.  Never before has it been so easy for indie developers to launch their interesting and innovative games to the masses.  All in all, it's not bad, DRM and DLC not withstanding.

Lastly, as stated above, paragraphs are your friend.  Use them.  Love them.  Caress them lightly and blow in their ear....  I'm sorry, what was I talking about again?