DIY home assistant compatible weather station

Alright, so my new project is underway and I need some help. I want to build a homebrew Wi-Fi capable weather station that is compatible with home assistant. I would like to build this out of an SBC of some sort, with a pi5 being preferred. And the things I want to measure and log is temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, rain fall, wind speed and direction, and lighting (if possible). I have seen a number of different DIY weather stations, but none check all these boxes. Anybody have any thoughts on the best way to build this?

WeatherFlow and Ecowitt have homeassistant compatible stuff with good features like solar powered sensors. Honestly i started on this path but never bothered getting any of this stuff, i just installed a random homeassistant local weather plugin and called it good.

While I like some of the commercial offerings out there, I see this as a fun and educational project. So I want to take the DIY approach and build this from components. I just like to understand how and why things work.


This will probably be a really good start for you:

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Thanks for that. Exactly what I was looking for. I need to contact the author to get a more detail breakdown of the hardware.

It’s all on his github: GitHub - theoracle09/Weather-Station: Raspberry Pi Weather Station with MQTT

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