I want to divide an HTML5 range slider into several colored (and labeled with text) sections. Kind of like my terrible MS paint mockup below. It's supposed to be a brake valve, so I need it to be fluid and not just click between the different sections. But I still need labels for the sections like in the mockup so that users can tell what 'stage' of brake application they're in.
Javascript my friend.
You can do it with CSS, no JavaScript required.
I think div's should work for this.
edit: probably not.
Javascript would be easiest.
The app uses JS already so if I need to use J's I'll use JS. If it can be done with straight CSS I'd prefer that though.
Would you guys mind making a jsfiddle with your implementation or something?
I get off work in an hour, I might be able to whip something up when I get home.
Maybe take a look at this? https://css-tricks.com/styling-cross-browser-compatible-range-inputs-css/
You could probably use a CSS gradient for the track.
You can use CSS gradients to achieve this.
input[type="range"] {
height: 7px;
background-image: linear-gradient(
to right,
#FF0000 15%,
#FF0000 35%,
#66FF66 35%,
#6666FF 35%,
#6666FF 60%,
#FF9999 60%,
#FF9999 85%,
#0000FF 85%
Thanks for all the suggestions guys! Two things ended up working: A CSS gradient and a table. I can put a <table>
beneath the input to allow text-based labeling and compatibility with older browsers, and/or I can also use a CSS gradient to color directly behind the input's track. Thanks for all the input!!!