How can I turn off the LED of my RX 6800 XT from MSI? I tried using MSI Dragon Center, but as my previous thread shows, that software is literal malware.
I tried downloading the tool from AMD (AMD_RX_6000_RGB_LED v1.26) but that only tells me to plug in my AMD device. The card is a Msi Gaming X Trio.
It seems like the LED’s are fixed to the PCB itself since I can’t find any wires to disconnect.
Those 6 LED’s are SMD, so yeah they can’t be easily removed. If the light annoys you, install the GPU in another system, install the software, turn off the lights, and then burn that system.
For my motherboard, also MSi, I installed the dragon centre just to set the LEDs to static and then uninstalled it. It saved the setting, did it revert back your you after uninstall?
Could take the shroud off and put tape under them so as not to be really ugly.