Did you know that when you have a dual booting Windows/Linux machine and put windows to sleep it breaks the automount of windowses used partitions since the NTFS partition is not "closed" correctly. Linux going to sleep lets windows use the NTFS partitions just fine.
What it does is overwrite every byte of the file with bytes drawn from urandom which is a "file" that outputs pseudorandomness. I have to guess but count=7 should mean seven times.
You cannot use this on a SSD (as stated correctly) because a SSD decides for itself where it will put the data you tell it to write to disk. Securely deleting a harddrive is achieved by either overwriting the drive severeal times with whatever you like or with physical destruction of the media. Oftentimes this is done by drilling into the drive with a powerdrill. Destruction of the flash chips on an SSD serves the same purpose.
Did you know that by adding 'ILoveCandy' to your pacman.conf (/etc/pacman.conf) under misc options Pacman will be displayed whilst refreshing repos, installing software, etc...
Did you know that *BSD and linux, although from different codebases and with different histories, often "share"/"steal"/"cross pollinate" with eachother, often taking all sorts of ideas and even code from eachother and putting them into their various repos and even the core of the distros? There is a lot of fragmentation and duplicated work, but not all of it is such, and each one can and often does enrich all of the others.