Hello, recently I decided to build my first PC and when I was placing my new motherboard (Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P) in the case I wasn't being gentle enough and pushed the middle part shown in the screen below, heard a pop sound and now this middle part is moving. I have no idea what that part is so I wanna know how serious it is.
Thanks for any answers
That part is the heat sink for the chipset and I would say the only way to know for sure if it's broken is to turn it on and test it and the I guess if it's not moving around to much you can use it.
Thanks for your answer, if I remove the screws holding the heat sink should it be removable? Because it's kinda loose after the pop sound and if i would remove the screws holding it then it probably wouldn't hold together and would like fall off. That's pretty bad right?
Like I said before give it a test and mayby check the temps both idle and under stress and if it looks good then just keep the screws on and hope it doesn't catch fire I don't really know much about the scores because I have never taken my mojo apart. It it sounds a little iffy.
Sh*t it could catch fire? Okay I'll give it a test thanks for your help man
No problem btw that was a joke :P
iuf it is, use a washer with a rubber one between the board and the washer, and just screw it back down, after replacing the thermal paste. then you hope to god it works
Oh I had no idea there was thermal paste between those. So that's the only issue with it? Ruined thermal paste?
Thank god you really scared me there man :D
you may have pulled the screw out, but there's ways to fix that
Maybe try to put some artic silver on there after removing the old thermal paste.
A friend of mine told me to just screw it back put it back in the case and start the pc and see how it works i suppose I shouldn't do that before the thermal paste replace right?
Just be careful when using arctic silver 5 since its conductive. For future reference though I'll attach a list of components that are ok to force into position.
Things that can be forced include:
I hope my list helps. Good Luck
i have a near identical board from Gigabyte a 970a -ud3p and had the same problem about 2 weeks ago. where i head a pop sound when bumping the heat sink during installation it appears to be more a problem with the heat-sinc itself
The board still appears to be stable, the temps are fine and it runs well, have not tested with a hefty overclock yet however.
Test the board before you do something stupid. no use ruining a mother board because your afraid you already screwed it up and if it is screwed up it is not uncommon for the 970 boards to be DOA so test the hell out of the thing when it is up and going.
I'm in the same boat your in.