Did i go... OVERBOARD with my Motherboard?

Found an interesting video.

What does he mean by Intel updating the microcode to 'disable the overclocks'? That saddens me...

Also. With the i5 6500, i take it it'll handle the BCLK OCing better than the 6400 due to higher stock frequency?

Most likely yes.

I've also seen boards die, and then come back for no apparent reason. Really seems to be another hardware lottery, more than anything else.

Did some research. Apparently, these BIOS updates (at least the ones that aren't for ASRock boards, anyway) are not from the board makers themselves. Sketch, much?

Now i've come back to choosing a board all over again. I was going to stick with the Z170-K from ASUS, but they haven't released an overclocking BIOS for it. So i guess ASRock it is? I just don't like them. If they'd only change their name... Ugh...