[Devember 2022] Shelf-host: a self-hosting platform with integrated single sign on and service management

This is my first attempt at Devember so I tried to make a project about something that I have been having trouble with. I want to build a somewhat simple selfhosting platform for home and small-team use. Since my previous experiences with self-hosting with single sign-on were laden with problems and missteps I decided to learn more about it by building a my own platform.

The idea is to have various services running inside podman/docker containers and be accessible through an integrated single-sign-on and mangement solution. My aim to support several small services as a starting point and get going from there. I also want to make it easier to install and integrate new services, remove unwanted services cleanly and manage running services through the management UI.

I’m not set on the solutions I’ll use but most likely it might involve:

  • podman
  • ansible
  • authelia or somesort of SSO middleware
  • a web framework of some sort

I have not set on the details it is open to ideas.