[Devember 2021] Rewriting an existing personal project

I have previously written an application as a personal project. It is a hot, unmaintainable mess that does not meet coding standards. I am hoping devember will give me the motivation to rewrite it better.

Status quo
Over the summer I have written an application to help calculate the payouts of the poker sessions among our buddies. Whenever we play, we each give a small amount in a shared pot. Usually, third place will get their money back, second place doubles it and first gets the rest. What my application does is tell you the most efficient way of who has to pay whom. To further complicate this matter, we have a house rule that states that whenever someone wins with a 2-7 hand (the weakest hand in Texas Hold-em) everybody still posessing chips (regardless of wether they have folded or not) has to pay them 1 buck. So my application needs to keep track of who has scored a 2-7 win and who was still in play at that point in the game.
As a challenge to myself I have written the Backend in NodeJS with a MongoDB persistancy and a React frontend (my native language is Java).

What I want to achieve

  • Correct use of modules
  • Split the functionality among more files


  • Switch from Class component to functional components
  • Switch from using the state object to using state hooks
  • make each screen their own component
  • fix this one weird issue where previous entries in a textbox persists, that is currently sulved with a hard reload


  • Deploy the whole application with Docker-compose
  • give more options be configurable via Docker env variables
  • Secure the traffic with SSL

I dont know if this undertaking is in the spirit of devember, so please let me know!

You probably should have kept an eye on the other #devember2021 threads, as yes this is OK, like someone mentioned elsewhere “as long as its being worked on”. its a shame cos this was one of the first posts, unless you have been working on it in the meantime anyway, in which case post some updates

No, sorry i have not found the time to work on it. And yes, It was one of the forst threads, that’s why there was no megathread, which maybe also thwarted my motivation.