[Devember 2020 - part II] Creating a Simple Password Manager

Let’s go to part 2 of Devember 2020.

First part was artsell, a simple static website to mock a shop for art prints, which is here:

That was me tackling CSS, now let’s tackle Javascript.

The goal: create a semi-analogue way to store my passwords.

“How in the name of fuck you gon achieve that?”

It’s actually quite simple: I write the account on a piece of paper, put the password on the app, select to hash it, take the weird string and write it on the paper.

Then I forget the password, whip out the hash, select to un-hash it (will probably change the name, I’m not sure it’s a real word), and BANG there I have it, my semi-analogue way to store passwords safely.

Won’t be making stuff for backend or databases, it’ll only be this simple static page with javascript doing the heavy lifting.

Today I already put the page together, didn’t use figma this time, only coolors for some semi-random color palette.

Gotta finish this before the year ends.


oh crap I forgot to add the repo, here:

and github-pages, which is not working yet:


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the algorithm for “hashing” is just adding 5 to the char code… as I said on readme and commented on the code you’re not supposed to use it online, just with paper

this is just to get your passwords on plain sight but keep your sketchy co-workers from getting your passwords

edit: rn I’m at the office, when I get home I push it to github

edit 2: oh fuck I forgot

I read is not good to use br to give spaces to the lines, so I’ll have to work a bit on margins for this one and also on artsell, but those are problems for future me


now I want a PWA

will try it soon enough

All done for phase 1

eventually I’ll make it a pwa, not today tho

will mark as solved since it’s working