Dev. for Apple?

I was wondering since Apple has alot of potential app users etc. would it make since to creation content for people? But wouldn't that mean I have to buy a Mac and/or iOs device?

Not at all! There are multiple ways of getting Mac OS on PC hardware. Check out and they have a lot of insight in how to get MacOS on Intel PC hardware. I'm running MacOSX on my main PC (4770k, 16GB RAM, GTX 680 4GB)  and Renderbot (Dual L5520 with 8400GS and 24GB of ram) It's quite simple to setup if you have access to a mac (UniBeast + USB Key!) and a bit trickier to setup if you don't (iBoot + Snow Leopard DVD + UniBeast + USB Key). It seems daunting to get started but once you do it's pretty easy. If you need any help or if you have any questions feel free to let me know and I will try to help out wherever I can.

Thanks for your input. But would be possible to dual boot windows 8.1 when using unibeast? Plus, what about dev. work for iOS? 

iOS dev is available as an SDK well as the normal MacOS programming it should bell all Objective C so there are no real issues there. As far as unibeast there are guides on how to dual boot different OSs on TonyMac I just use Different drives for Each OS 3 120GB SSD One for Window, MacOS and Linux then you can just select the drive at the Chemelion boot screen.

O.o didn't know that thanks!

Yeah just download Xcode and the iOS SDK from the app store.