Desperatly need help setting up headless UBUNTU vm server

Okay. Couple things:

  1. It’s a graphical installer.
  2. It’s Debian with some customizations, what’s inflexible about that?

I’m running Ubuntu and don’t want to learn Debian. Just trying to get comfortable with one system first then I’ll explore others. As for prox I’ll look into it more but everything online shows it as live usb or it’s own install and as mentioned it’s using a system I have no clue about. In the future maybe I can upgrade but until I learn the basics I need to stick to what I’m comfortable with.

Ubuntu is based on Debian. They are extremely similar. Fair enough if you don’t want to try it just yet though.

Also I am back to square one. I tried to switch desktops and the second installer wiped out my whole instillation so I’m back to factory Ubuntu with samba for my storage and mergerfs + snapraid for bitrot protection. I see zfs had fixed many of the issues since the guide I used so maybe I’ll be able to switch over as well but not sure yet.

If you want to try different desktops you could run whatever flavor of Ubuntu live to see if you like it. Most of the major desktops are available.

That’s true but my server is headless so it was VNC to my desktop. That’s was just a disaster lol.

Hey bud, I’ve used KVM for a while and have these arguments to run the installer in the terminal. You can use the keyboard to navigate, provide input, and select installation options.

sudo virt-install --name testvm \
                  --ram 2048 \
                  --disk path=./testvm,size=60 \
                  --vcpus 2 \
                  --os-type linux --os-variant generic \
                  --network bridge=br0 \
                  --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial \
                  --location '/home/chris/isos/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1810.iso' \
                  --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial' 

You’ll obviously want to change your network adapter and disk and iso location paths.

Welcome to L1T btw :smiley:


Why do you experience proxmox as not simple? Using the Proxmox web-ui seems simple enough… (on my home Proxmox experiment)


Besides Proxmox being Debian and thus your Ubuntu skills apply, it can and has run on ZFS for a long time. And I really like that it runs with low overhead, the graphic interface is the web-ui on your client. And you can run LXC and KVM stuff on it. LXC templates for CentOS, Ubuntu and other are available from Proxmox: and standard containers can also be used:
Choice galore!

Also learned to love setting up SSH certificates and using PuTTY and WinSCP to connect to Proxmox and the VMs it is running

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Compared to unraid it’s not as simple. I didn’t say it wasn’t simple.

well the vm setup is just another option i want to add but mainly it’s a nas with ubuntu server as it’s base and mergerfs with snapraid as my storage protection.

ill try that.

the location tag wont work for ubuntu desktop. I need to use cdrom but i get the same it’s “installing” and shows what the escape key is but doesn’t show the actual install

It works, I just used it on Debian:


It may work for Debian but I need vm with setup on Ubuntu.

It works fine for Ubuntu. Post how you modified it.

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Lol dude they’re the same thing

You can’t use location because the Ubuntu iso doesn’t have the kernel tree directory you must use cdrom.

This is the only way to get it started. then it hangs and I can’t connect to the vm to finish install.

I’m guessing you received something like this:

ERROR    Couldn't find kernel for Ubuntu tree.

Which prompted you to use the cdrom option.

When using the CDROM option, you were met with this?

ERROR    --extra-args only work if specified with --location. See the man page for examples of using --location with CDROM media

That last bit was interesting, so I went to man virt-install and searched for --location (note, when using more, man, less, or vim, you can use the forward slash / to search through the pages.).

I found some interesting information with a nice example to boot.

Modifying their example to use Ubuntu 18.04, Bionic, it worked like a charm:

Here is the code from my script

--name ubuntu \
                  --ram 2048 \
                  --disk path=./ubuntu,size=60 \
                  --vcpus 2 \
                  --os-type linux --os-variant generic \
                  --network bridge=br0 \
                  --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial \
                  --location '' \
                  --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'

I apologize for the delay, I assumed since it worked on Debian with a CentOS iso that it would work on Ubuntu with an Ubuntu iso – There is some data missing when it comes to Ubuntu, it seems.

Also, for future reference, if you do a search on those errors you received, you can be linked to some useful information. You might have to sift through and read a bit, but you’ll find what you’re looking for, especially when it comes to Ubuntu.

I also recommend checking out man pages and getting more comfortable with them. 1000% do this if the error message itself tells you to read it, as referenced above.