Desktop Environments

For the Linux users was wondering what everyone is running as far as desktop environments go for 2017?

Me, I'm running Ubuntu Mate, with the Budgie desktop. I think it looks lovely, and goes with my workflow.

How about everyone else?


Workstation - RHEL - GNOME
Good Laptop - Fedora 25 - GNOME - Paper Theme/Icons
Cheap-o Laptop - Ubuntu Unity - Paper Theme/Icons

You could make a poll, but i think we have one xD

I'm currently running GNOME 3.22.2 on everything (Fedora 25). I like it, its a vast improvement from the early GNOME 3 days. One thing i wish they would do is do something with the useless "show applications" button in the activities windows, its kindof pointless. and get a good krunner competitor.

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I like to keep things efficient and lightweight, so I use Gentoo - XFCE >

If you are wondering why my uptime is so low it's because that picture was taken yesterday, and a couple days ago I finally decided to build UVC webcam support into my kernel and got my webcam working :P

Now if only I could find a ring client for XFCE :D

I would have done a poll, but there are TONS of desktop environments in Linux. Some work on this distro and some don't work on THAT distro. So I just wanted to hear everyone's DE and why. I'm bored, and a curious bastard lol.

Keep 'em coming guys!

Currently I'm running Arch with KDE Plasma but about a month ago I was on GNOME. There's been a few growing pains switching over but I just generally like how everything is more detailed and less "jumbo" feeling.

Plasma feels more like a DESKTOP environment rather than a tablet interface.

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Kde on everything,

I have a lenovo 100s 14BIR which is a pretty low power. and Plasma 5 is smooth and fast baby and has Eye Candy.

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I run i3wm with gaps on top of Arch :)

It's an auto-tiling window manager, but with gaps between them. Here's a quick screenshot of three terminals.


I have tried pretty much any commonly used de out there.
And for me personally the perfect doesnt really exists.
I have good and bad things to say about pretty much all of them.
But there are de's that come close to it.

Mate: allthough i dont like the traditional Gnome2 look of Mate.
It has allot of customizable options.
The Brisk menu comes close to how i like it, but it cannot beat the Whisker menu.

XFCE: Allot of people might say XFCE is pretty dated looking.
However in my opinion, XFCE is still one of the only de´s that doesnt suck,
nomatter which distribution you use, or which hardware you install it on.

KDE Plasma: Wenn it comes to looks kde is pretty much the best looking DE out there imo.
However the main problem with kde is, that it really depends on the distro´s implementation of it.
There are distributions that have a great implementation of kde, but also distro´s that are pretty buggy.
It has allot of eye candy, but its not my DE of choice.
Same could be said about Cinnamon pretty much.

Cinnamon: Nice de with allot of potential, but it lacks on customizabillity.
And it seems to pretty much only really work flawless in Linux Mint.
In other distro´s it can be buggy at times.
It also has some niggles with themes here and there.

LXQT: pretty neat little de that is more modern looking then LXDE.
But its not implemented in that manny Distribtutions.

Budgie: Nice fork of Gnome3, that makes Gnome more traditional for desktop use imo.
But it still needs some improvements.

Gnome3: I totally hate it.

Unity: I totally hate it aswell.

Pantheon: Also sucks.

So these are my opinion on various DE´s i have played arround with sofar.
My current top 3 of choice i could live with on a dailly base use.

  • XFCE.
  • Mate.
  • Cinnamon.
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For general use I have Gnome 3 with a few plugins. When I want to do work-ish stuff logout and jump to i3. Nice thing about Linux in general is that you can have multiple desktop environments on one operating system.

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Stuck between AwesomeWM, Plasma and Xfce. These are, IMO, the most comprehensive, no-nonsense DEs; all except for AwesomeWM. Awesome is, by far, the most customizable-no doubt about that-and is the DE I want to get into. The Lua script-based customization isn't the factour keeping me from it. Above all else, it's the gap between versions 2 and 3. For the switchover, a huge chunk of syntax rules changed, and the mass of user-made setups remain for version 2.

It's been a while since my last time with Awesome, but due to the resources I didn't have to allocate towards dedicating my life to Lua scripting, I've since stuck with Xfce. Now all I'm waiting for is an Xfce update for GTK3+ or something, or some Xfqt variant.

All integrated keyrings need to disappear without a trace. Thank you.

I remember installing this very briefly on my Arch install. Out of the box it looks like 1990. I quickly gave up and put gnome on it lol

I think it looks really cool once tweaked, but out of the box it scared me away. :)

Trying to use mate butbit has a bug that kills the linking between apps and buttons

mate on Korora 25 for my laptop. it's the best one of the standard DE's that i've come across so far. it satisfies my needs for a taskbarish environment while still managing to not feel cramped on the small screen.
i do have a big soft spot for i3, but it's never worked for me just from installing it over an existing DE, and Manjaro is the only distro i know of that has a pre-setup install of it. only issue with that are the built in puke green colour schemes that are on everything.

On my laptop I’m running MATE and on desktop Budgie. I’m probably gonna go for Budgie on my laptop too, it’s just so simple and prettyh IMO.

Both are running on top of Ubuntu 17.10 :clown_face:

1 year later necro. Thread is locked.