Deluge daemon?

Why is it so hard to setup a headless Deluge server? When i try to connect the web ui to the daemon, all I get are errors talking about python and bad usernames or something. It is crazy. Then there is transmission which works but wont let me bind to an interface. Crazy thing is, the transmission dev ticket list has several entries going back 6 years about requesting the feature of binding to an interface but the devs keep ignoring it.
Next up is Qbittorrent which works fine until you try to connect it to Sonarr. Sonarr only supports the qbittorrent API version 6 and the version installed on ubuntu 15.10 is version 8. Therefore, Sonarr wont talk to the daemon.

Someone want to walk me through setting up Deluge on ubuntu server 15.10 x64?
Or maybe tell me how to only install qbittorrent with version 6 of the API on ubuntu 15.10?

This is crazy. I have my VPN connection setup with split-tunneling and it works but I cant get my torrent client setup to use it. And when I do get one that can bind to it, either the daemon wont work or the API version is too new for my media aggregation software.

My two network interfaces are enp7s0 and tun0.

I blew over 6 hours yesterday trying to get my torrent client setup to use my VPN only. I want to use my VPN for my torrrent client and i have a Usenet connection which is encrypted end-to-end so it does not need the VPN. I have tried Deluge, Transmission, Vuze, QBittorrent, and rtorrent.
By far, rtorrent is the most annoying to setup. while the vast majority of the others have instructions meant for Upstart or sysinit and not systemd. So, I had to do work arounds for them.
Vuze, doesnt work without a GUI so that was a dud.

compared to setting up a torrent client to bind-to-interface tun0 and talk to Sonarr, setting up OpenVPN with split-tunneling was a walk in the park with a hot woman.

What version of Sonarr are you using?

the latest one installed via PPA for ubuntu wily.

Which ones that?

I ask as they say that is what works with qbittorrent.

im using what the PPA installs. The Master build from 2015. There is no master build in 2016 and I dont know how to enable the development builds.

Theres some instructions on their github you could try. Ive not used it so ive no experience setting it up.

thanks. I used to use Sickbeard but at some point i moved to Sonarr. when Sonarr failed for some reason, I moved to Sickrage which worked OK but would let me post-process an entire folder of my choice. It was also somewhat unwieldy.

i would love a media aggregation tool that just worked and provided the nice tools like Sonarr and Sickbeard.

This can be done using iptables. See example:

He runs OpenVPN as the vpn group (see last line) and sets up rules so that only members of the vpn group and port 53 (DNS) are allowed on non VPN interfaces.

This works best its own VM or a Docker container. If you just want to deploy his Docker containers for VPN and transmission, see:

I'm running a slightly modified fork which starts openvpn with arguments:

--route net_gateway --route net_gateway --route net_gateway --route net_gateway

So that I can connect to the transmission web interface from a local network without an additional nginx container.