If a computer is equipped with a Thunderbolt controller… is it always the case where that thunderbolt controller should appear in “Device Manager” (under “System Devices”)? Furthermore, should a thunderbolt controler also use IRQ’s and therefor be revealed under “System Info” (under “Hardware Resources” > “IRQs”)?
I am concerned my brand new Dell XPS 13 9340 does not have the Thunderbolt controller I expected whe I ordered it.
I am trying to get the “Thunderbolt” controller to show up in “Device Manager” (under “System Devices”) as well as in “System Info” (under “Hardware Resources” in “IRQs”).
=hp g2 Thunderbolt dock
https support.hp dot com/us-en/product/details/thunderbolt-docking/model/20075224
2=Anker 778 Tunderbolt dock
https www dot anker dot com/products/a83a9
In both cases, they work as far as USB over USB-C supports a USB hub functionality, but not displayport ports.
USB4 is compatible with Thunderbolt3 -- USB4 is NOT thunderbolt(TM)
https www dot usb dot org/document-library/usb4tm-thunderbolt3tm-compatibility-requirements-specification
Intel explains the difference between Thunderbolt(TM)4 and USB-C
https www dot intel dot com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/thunderbolt/thunderbolt-4-vs-usb-c.html
Thunderbolt(TM) is licensed certification from Intel
https www dot thunderbolttechnology dot net /tech/certification