Debloat Android phone

I’d like your suggestions for ways to debloat my Android phone (currently on Version 13) without rooting or installing Lineage or similar. Unfortunately, it came with many unwanted apps from both the manufacturer and the carrier (Thanks, AT&T :angry:!). I have disabled as many of them as I could, but even those take up space, and some just won’t be or stay disabled. The phone in question is my current daily driver, so I’m looking for a way (or ways) to do more of a gentle liposuction than a full OS wipe and replacement. Any suggestions, resources, please post - thanks!

As far as I’m aware, and I could well be wrong here, your only option in this situation is to delete the app from your settings → app menu or from your app list on the home screen etc.

As far as I’m aware the only options to remove otherwise include jail breaking and/or loading a custom OS.

check out

Unfortunately these unwanted OEM bloatware shovelware applications are often installed as system apps, and cannot be uninstalled by the user. In other words; you do not own your computer.

This is why people move to alternative ROMs or root.

You may get lucky and be able to uninstall some of them via ADB:

list applications:
adb shell 'pm list packages -f' | sed -e 's/.*=//' | sort

pm uninstall -k --user 0

NOTE: -k --user 0 argument is only hiding the app from current user (aka: you still don’t own your computer…):

This works because applications truly aren’t fully uninstalled from your device. They are just being uninstalled for the current user (user 0 is the default/main user of the phone). That’s why if you omit the --user 0 and -k part of the uninstall command, the command won’t work. These two flags respectively specify the system app will only be uninstalled for the current user (and not all users, which is something that requires root access) and that the cache/data of the system application will be preserved (which can’t be removed without root). Therefore, even if you uninstall a system app using this method, you can still receive official OTA updates from your carrier or OEM.
This method can be used on any smartphone regardless of the OEM or carrier. You won’t get back any space usually because these apps are typically installed in the system partition. Still, it will prevent them from sending you notifications and clogging up your app drawer.

Additionally, you can at least block internet access to them via a DNS filter like RethinkDNS. You can also use this to block ads, and does not require root access.


Thanks for the suggestions and links; I’ll check them out!

And, if you or anyone else here knows of a website or page that has a table/spreadsheet that compares the relative bloatware load (especially if installed as supposed system apps) by manufacturer and carrier, please post it! I don’t think I’m the only person who would like that information and would take that into account for my next purchase.
And yes, @Google, as the power behind Android, why don’t you give us the power to decide what stays on our phone? Even Microsoft (Microsoft!) sort-of allows that for PCs with Windows 11, although it has to be Win 11 Pro and then requires multiple edits to the registry. But, it can be done.

I’ve been using this one, it’s pretty nifty, and works with Island/Insular/work profile (user0 is personal, user10 is work). I keep my main profile almost barebones (not even google play services) and I only turn on work profile if I need to access something from one of those “once a month” apps.


I’d stay away from phones from samsung, and carrier sold locked phones. If you want less bloat, go with Pixel unlocked.

That way you can unlock the boatloader and root.

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I don’t know if there exists a list for which OEMs install the most bloat, but here is a naughty list for manufacturers who engage in the malpractice of preventing unlocking:

This lets you know what devices/manufacturers to avoid.

If you do eventually head down the path of alternative roms, here is a nice comparison of features:

If you truly want to debloat, Lineage is good.


Because you no longer own your computer.

If you want to decide what is on your phone; install a different rom, root, degoogle, or move to Linux phone.

There is no other option.

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@Willdrick : thanks, I’ll check that one out.
Regarding an eventual new phone: I have my eye on the Pixel XL, but Google has some weird idea about pricing.
Somebody had also suggested the Xperia VI as a possible alternative, also really expensive, but at least it still has a micro SD card slot and a 3.5 mm Audio out connector. Probably the only so-called flagship phone left out there with those two features, and - supposedly - almost straight Android. Except it costs as much as my laptop :thinking:.
I’ll also take a look at the site suggested by @0xDE57 - thanks!

I’m considering the small and cheap jelly star when my pixel dies, as there is some irony in trying to degoogle, yet buying a google device…

at least the jelly star has the courage to pack a 3.5 mm in such tiny package.