Debian Bookworm Bluetooth Issue


My apologies for not including many details. Please let me know what commands I should do in the terminal to get the proper ones to give you guys the info you need. I’m quite new to linux.

I have a pair of Pixel buds that work great on my ubuntu desktop out of the box but don’t seem to be working with my old laptop which runs debian bookworm (non-free firmware).

When I try to pair them my bluetooth manager gives me an error message, “connection failed: br-connection-unavailable” It does see my pixel buds but gives me the message above when attempting to connect to them.

I’ve searched around and it seems other people are having this issue but so far the workarounds they have provided have not worked for me.

Could someone help me get my Bluetooth working?

You may be missing some nonfree firmware, see


I checked the instructions on that page but I’m having trouble identifying which firmware I would need to install. How would I do this?

Model of the Bluetooth adapter?

My apologies I do not know how to check.

It would likely be printed on the Bluetooth adapter itself.

It is a laptop that does not have any labels on it. Is there a command I can use in the terminal to check?

Try lsusb and lspci

This should tell you everything that is connected by USB or by PCIe bus. You are going to have to do some digging to get the identifying information before we can be of any help.

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