Okay so I need to install files for my university stuff, and there only in .deb and .rpm, but I like to use Arch.
So how would I go about installing deb in arch? and would it actually work well?
Okay so I need to install files for my university stuff, and there only in .deb and .rpm, but I like to use Arch.
So how would I go about installing deb in arch? and would it actually work well?
Ahm, is it university specific programs? Like made by your university?
Have you checked the AUR?
Installig .deb on Arch seems possible with dpkg or making your ovn PKGBUILD.
Havn't tried it for myself, but maybe try this? ^^
Yeah, there is a open source version, but its outdated compared to the new one
Maybe alien will work. I know it changes deb to rpm, but I think it might support other package types as well.
edit: or this maybe? https://code.google.com/p/archalien/