I’ve noticed over the time, that you don’t seem to react or even notice feedback from the comments on your floatplane channel.
I suspect that is the case, because you mainly interact with your community on patreon, twitch or the forum. And checking out the floatplane comments is not part of the usual routine. Possibly not every team member even has a floatplane account readily available, making it even more bothersome.
However, when you ask on floatplane for questions for the Q&A to be posted in the comments of that post and then completely ignore those, it seems pretty inconsiderate. Plus the questions on floatplane were much better than those on the forum anyway…
PS: I know Ryan doesn’t read the forum, but the robot that does your dishes is called a dishwasher and you can already buy one.
PPS: Those are the kind of witty comments you can expect, when you read the floatplane comments
Hey, thanks for posting! We’re actually trying to improve our social presence right now (just hired someone to handle it, recently), but it’s true in the past we’ve not always been able to respond quickly.
The Q+A was a bit of a silly oversight on my part; I thought we had directed all the questions to the forum-- on our last one we missed a couple late additions from Twitter, since we couldn’t close the comments there. This time I thought we were being clever by sticking to the forum as the main platform, but then completely spaced about Patreon/Floatplane also having open questions… So sorry about that, it was an honest mistake.
But. We’re planning on recording next week to make up for it, with just Patreon/Floatplane questions. Sorry for the trouble! We should have another video out with that asap.
I’d say don’t bother.
The idea behind Floatplane is to build a community within a community that can be monetized. In that sense it is a parasite.
Your idea here with this forum is to build community. I see Floatplane as a way to split an otherwise intact community.
You will not find me on Floatplane anytime soon.
Floatplane and Patreon are paid extras(support) for those who want and can afford it. After all, no one is forcing or telling anyone to use it.
The practice of using paid additional content is nothing new. Logically, if someone pays, it would be appropriate to give him something extra compared to the resources that are available for free.
The simplest solution for L1 is just as usual not to mention directly that something extra is on FP / P.
People who are there will see themselves and those who are not… will not feel that they are flying economy class.
All the more weird it would be to be offended on L1 because of this grouping of resources.
After all, no one is forcing anyone to watch L1 on youtube, and neither does teampgp on twitch. Likewise, no one is forcing anyone to be on this forum.
Youtube and the forum should be treated as free resources, and therefore making demands or threatening with a finger, because I will go somewhere else do not make sense.
Another thing is constructive criticism that should be considered by L1.
thats straight up arrogant and elitist.
oh you watch youtube because your poor people.
lol NOT COOL!..
some people watch on youtube because the content is on youtube and dont want to pay for beta testing a ltt project, that will either sink or be sold to alphabet if it fly’s.
Before L1 appeared on FP, they did it on Patreon… Somehow it wasn’t a problem.
Both solutions are probably more of a support for L1 than the great importance of earning millions on this content.
It is their business what and where they post. Personally, I don’t use FP or P and have no problem with the current model.
I would be dissatisfied if they suddenly transferred all L1 videos to the pay form, and for free they only show the announcement / sample. Then I would go and watch something else and that’s it…
What I meant is just not putting a stick in a wasp’s nest.
Nothing to do with the poor vs the rich.
I myself travel in economy class and I have no problem with it and I will definitely not demand the same rights as those people in business and first class.
Similar to L1, a lot of people do, and I don’t see any drama online because of it.
You should also remember that the OP does not complain about the fact that something is not for free, but the other way around, that FP is not pampered…
i should? … i havent been talking to the OP. @jode didnt start the topic.
i have my own reasons for not jumping on floatplane.
most of them to do with usability and platform stability.
its just your comment irked me. because as i said it came off arrogant and elitist.
you said it wasnt your intent. i said fair enough… i thought that would be the end of it.
guess not.
so here we go. (starts playing nice, for real, not trying to kick a wasp nest ).
you have exactly the same rights in first class as you do in coach. (in that you bought your ticket, you get your seat and you get to your destination).
what you don’t have is the same levels of service.
that extra you pay for.
that we can agree on.
floatplane is meant to be a premium service. charging upwards of $10 a month if you want 1440p.
for this they agree to take payment from your subscribers and provide them with a functional way to access your content and support you directly.
at best this has been hit and miss.
a lot of floatplane content has either been delayed, posted at the same time as it showed up on youtube for free, or couldnt be uploaded because of a back/front end problem.
as a result its become a chore, because when you log in your gonna be bombarded with tickets for where’s my content, or your a week late replying to someone because the platforms DM system just come back online.
its not good.
i get they are having issues and its not an easy job to build a media platform.
but its been 5 years and it still seems to be plagued by recurring issues that should have been sorted in alpha. that make it hard to use for both user and content creator.
anyways thats why i dont use the service.
the op will have to make there own choice what they do.
pateon hosts the same ppv content.
the only real diff being linus doesnt get a cut.
If you can try not to misinterpret my words, if you can, read them as they are, don’t add extra narratives to them that don’t exist. Thx
I have an impression that you don’t like FP.
Look, I’m not trying to convince you that FP is good or bad. I do not use and do not plan but do not intend to tell others what to do with it.
Your main lead in this discussion is FP is very bad…
Ok… One complains that FP does not get enough love from L1 and the other that it is bad that something extra is placed behind a paid wall.
After all, what are we discussing? You must have hung up on the fact that the floatplane is bad. Ok, once again, no one is trying to say otherwise.
You don’t like that something extra is on the floatplane / patreon… ok.
Do you consider that the extras + paid wall are segregation for the poor / rich? I don’t agree with that.
L1 creates content and they can do whatever they want with it and put it wherever they want and request $ or give it away for free.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more attention on it, but it’s basically just my throwing support money at them to see more cool stuff on a platform I was on anyways with other creators. There’s pretty frequent stints where a handful of things get posted at once, so I get my quick binge of L1 ahead of time then pop back over here to pop my head in on the more thorough engagement. Oversights happen, wouldn’t say I’m upset by it though, I get what I paid for essentially.