So I want to get an app to ddos just to mess with my friends lol. So I went online and discovered High Orbit Ion Cannon as well as Low Orbit Ion Cannon. These looked good to me but when I go to download either of them it sets off my antivirus. Should I trust them?
I'm not an expert, but here is my say, use, reason of why it is set off by your anti virus? If it says "Hack Tool" I would ignore that it just doesn't want you to use the tool. And for the whole ddosing thing those programs don't really take down your friends, if you want to take down your "friends" using an online booter would do more harm then LOIC. Online booter can be free or pay to use.
Okay, those are worthless unless you have a lot of them on multiple computers attacking one IP. I think what you are looking for is a Stresser. They do cost money but they are cheap for the most part.
Yup. Also, it seems that this type of attack covers at least two different charges. Unlawful/unauthorized access, and intentionally disrupting/damaging target network. But hey, the fuzz loves to rack up charges whenever possible.
I know it's illegal but it's just my friend so it's not like he's going to press charges. And loic uses slow loris, so I figured with my 100mbps connection and high end pc it might actually have some effect on him.
loic and hoic are just network stress tools, or layer 4 atack tools, they basicly automate hitting F5 on a website, nothing more then that. layer 4 attack with one individual pc, does not effect anything at all.(it only destroys your own bandwith) Loic only works if you have a lot of people using it on the same target at the same time.
if you want to ddos a network from you friend individualy you realy need to go deeper into networking layers. (layer 7)
nah, they are stand alone .exe files no install needed. also anon don't quite work like that. but mistery angel is right, it's why it's called Distributed Denial Of Service. noting the Distributed part- meaning it requires alot of people to do it all at the same time. it worthless doing it by yourself on one machine and connection.
well, not install, but i think when you run the program it connects to the control and command server? i dunno i would be totally suspect that it was a RAT is disguise.