Dawn of War 3 is coming!

It's confirmed! Dawn of War 3 is finally coming, and the trailer is here.

Imperial Knights confirmed, 3 playable factions, Blood Ravens, Eldar, Orks confirmed, Gabriel Angelos confirmed.

Dawn of War 1 gameplay mechanics, plausible. Space battle, plausible

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lol wut?

Good to see Dawn of War again and I hope it will be pretty awesome.

I'm so fucking hyped for this.

If you couldn't tell I'm a huge Warhammer nerd.

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Yessssss, I have to say I find it hard not to fan boy for this. I do know that there is a high probability that it will have a ton of dlc and locked off content due to the current way things have been rolling out.

But... I will hope for the best or I will buy them all like the sheep I am, CAN NOT WAIT!

Yeah, I started collecting thanks to Dawn of War. I'm so glad Relic made Dawn of War, it brings out the true colours of Warhammer 40k and it attracted many players like me into collecting. Now... I smell Age of Sigmar game incoming!

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On the The Easy Allies Podcast - May 4th 2016 at the 20:53 mark they talk about how DW3 is going to be more like the old big battles and less about the smaller unit hero stuff that DW2 had. This makes me happy.