Maybe its just me, but it seems like Dark Souls 2 isn't as open world and connected as the first Dark Souls was. The only reason I say this, is because if you remember from the first game, almost every part of the world was connected in some way, and if it wasn't connected there was a main boss in the zone. But in Dark Souls 2 with the introduction of warping from the start, they really didn't need to connect the world together all that much. But some of the game's length was backtracking and getting lost and things like that up until you got the Lord Vessel. I didn't play Dark Souls 2 until last Thursday, 25 hours of playing and I beat it. It took about 100 hours to beat Dark Souls the first time I played. But it also seems that in Dark Souls 2, the game has some of its content focused on NG+ instead of regular NG. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Before DS2 was announced, I'd never even heard of the game before. Grabbed DS1 on GMG for about $10 about a month ago and started playing through with some friends helping me out who'd played it quite a bit before me. Even with help I still haven't completed the first game (getting close) and I'm determined to finish it before I really dig into the 2nd game.
That being said, I have played DS2 for a few hours thus far, just to see what it was like and what to expect. It looks a lot better and runs a lot smoother at 60fps vs 30fps.
With fast travel, there's no need for the same level of interconnected paths as in DS1. But IMO those things are minor issues. DS2 still has the feel and mystery of DS1 that I love so much. Graphics aside, DS is among the best game(s) I've ever played, hands down. It doesn't hold your hand and is extremely unforgiving. It doesn't spoon feed you and I think such attributes is something many games lack now-a-days that tends to make them less interesting. If you know your health with automatically regenerate and you know you can take many hits without dying, it takes away a lot of the danger and thrill (and skill) of a game.
My friends have been playing DS2 since it's release and from what I can tell in listening in while they play, it's every bit as fun and challenging as DS1, despite the minor differences.
Oh yeah, the graphics at 60fps is phenomenal. But the point I was trying to make about fast travel is that every since they included it from the start, they removed the zones that made the main areas interconnected. Which is what made Dark Souls so atmospheric, the world actually felt like a world instead of just a bunch of branches that trailed off and went to a boss at the end. Dark Souls 2 is arguably harder than Dark Souls 1, so it wins in that aspect. But some of the map design in a few zones feels a bit straightforward, even with all of the beaten paths
I prefered the atmosphere of the first game over the second but I like how the combat is now. I love all the new spells and weapons they've added. Loving PVP more than I did in the first though I still love the PVP in the first, especially in the forest.
About the world, the world is still somewhat connected in Dark Souls 2, but the geography is really weird and often makes no sense. Like when you take the elevator from the top(ish) of Earthen Peak UP to Iron Keep, which is surrounded by lava which was nowhere to be seen previously. That's seriously messed up. Another major gripe I have is the bosses are all really easy. Almost all of them are human or humanoids with a slow, predicable, easily dodged attack pattern and could often be dodged simply by strafing circles around them. What's worse is you can't even get their armor later on with the exception of the Smelter Demon, Lost Sinner, and Looking Glass Knight. Ornstein's new armor is cool and I want it!
Those are pretty minor gripes though when compared to the whole of the game, which is still really great. I already have hundreds of hours between PC and console (yeah, I bought it twice I loved it so much) and I plan to play lots more.
I want to like this game so badly. It feels like it should be a lot of fun. The atmosphere is phenomenal and it's such a deep RPG. But I get no satisfaction out of accomplishing something like beating a boss or getting a nice piece of armor or a weapon. I only experience frustration when I die. Am I doing something wrong? Is there some kind of formula for enjoying DS2?
Why is defeating a boss or getting a nice weapon or piece of armor not satisfying to you?
Personally I get a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from doing so. Especially if I've been trying to beat said boss for quite some time. Something about dealing that final blow, hearing that tell-tail sound signifying it's death, showering you with souls and a special item... :D
i think Dark souls 2 is easier than DS1
its because i played ds1 very late and there were not so many coop players to summon.
but now in dark souls 2 i summon 2 guys and we fuck shit up :D
I'm not sure. If I had to guess I'd say that this game is a victim of its own great atmosphere. Everything feels desperately hopeless. So defeating a boss or getting awesome loot doesn't feel like an accomplishment.
I think some of it rests on the ease to upgrade armor and the lack of improvement over armor stages. Less than 10 hours in (For some) and you defeat the pursuer and get the Drangleic Armor Set (Minus the helmet) and that has amazing stats compared to anything that came before it. It just seems like there is a lack of progression in certain aspects, not to mention there is a lot of content focused on NG+ and it just seems bleak and dull completing the game again to get new content
Ah man I really wanted DS2 was at least as hard as DS1, I haven't played it yet and I won't be able for the next couple of months, but I was really looking forward to it, what a letdown.
You haven't played it but you're saying it's a let down because of what a few people said?
I would suggest you reserve your judgement until you actually get to play it for yourself. Everyone has differing opinions and tastes on what they like or dislike about certain games. Just because they found one more difficult than the other doesn't mean everyone else will experience it the same way. Friends of mine who were experienced DS1 players are finding DS2 to be more challenging.
Across the board, thus far, I've found a mixed bag of opinions. Some like DS2 better and some don't. Some have found it harder than DS1 and others have not.
Don't make up your mind before you've played it. ;)
DS1 had a way of being harder by just randomly fucking you over at any given point thanks to god knows what given the area you were in. DS2 is more controlled, you will get fucked over given sheer numbers or the power of the opponent you are facing, or both in most cases. Not to mention that thanks to some of the new AI, enemies will take advantage of your weaknesses. But its worth a play, if you expect to have a terrible time, you probably will
And especially if you've played DS1 at least once all the way through, it trains you to become cautious and prepared for anything around every corner. Even then it still manages to catch you off-guard, but it becomes less of a surprise the further on you go. I think that's a big part of why some people say DS2 is easier.