I recently say a JayzTwoCents video about a custom sensor panel on the side of his desktop - 5 inch screen, plugged in with a HDMI cable as a secondary monitor. He then used AIDA64’s SensorPanel Manager to build a custom dashboard showing heat, utilization… www[.]youtube[.]com/watch?v=RTdniu3gn3Y
I got curious on how I would do it on Linux and couldn’t find an exact duplicate:
- I usually use either htop or the (Linux mint 20 built in) system monitor, these didn’t have any customization.
- I could get this data using “mpstat” or even “uptime” to pull the data once a minute and read it and display in a simple website and use a web browser on the mini monitor to view it and just refresh it once a minute. It could be a cool project to teach myself way more web than I’m used to.
- I could also use something off the shelf to read the data and do the display, Splunk comes to mind as it’s already installed and I use for other projects. It would be able to eat and do dashboard display. This would limit project to just getting data and ingesting.
Looking for help on if my direction makes sense? Are there tools off the shelf for Linux that would be able to grab hardare information/utilization and put into a customizable dashboard?