Cultural Exchange is now muted on this site

Politics is a hard thing to deal with. Things get out of hand, or, discussions not really related to politics, such as the culture of politics, or the propagasda that comes from it, and knowing how to identify it.

I think propaganda is extremely common nowadays. It’s in your phone trying to get you to buy more Amazon trash, right now, not just over in Ukraine and Russia.

To mute that conversation, or ability to converse, creates a hard barrier to people understanding each other. It makes it so anything about whatever that’s not the most generic white box picture of an item I can purchase and fuck with is now taboo.

I equally understand this is a tech board. But there’s enough people from all over the world, more than tech is relevant.

Still, it’s a disservice to have a forum and then kill the ability of public forum. Like what the hell are you redpilled on your own propaganda then?

Memes when this gets deleted by some angry lounger.


I’m sure someone somewhere will enjoy your third grade level digestion of free speech and communication.

If that’s the case; you’re not doing a great job illustrating it

Just because something is open to the public does not mean there can be no moderation nor rules.

I’m glad you have an interest in “politics” but maybe you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Consider for a moment that this simply might not be the best forum to post this since…


I’m glad your projection ability is strong.

Go look at the thread. Go and actually have a new conversation.

I can’t help people who want to live in a bubble filled with their own BO and farts.

I think you need some counseling


You are welcome to share your opinions and policy so long as it pertains to technology.

We’ve had politics brought up a couple times, and each time it spirals into disaster.

Furthermore, the admin overhead of dealing with flare ups is too much to bear. I have never met a more triggered bunch of sensitive people than I have dealing with political spills.

That is the problem we actively try to avoid.

Agree to disagree then. It’s cancer.

However, you’re welcome to talk to someone in a private message about politics if your burning desire to talk about it is so strong.

This place is nice because we keep it moderated. Its not a free speech platform and we don’t pretend to identify as one.

Talk about tech, and have a nice day.


No, honestly, what I want to know is why are the mechanics and technologies and tactics of propaganda a bad topic to talk about. You have all the stuff with the voting shit to talk about and how those machines even work, and then the people working with the machines, their sec ops policies.

We used to talk about the fcc and the bullshit they pull all the time. Where’d that go?

Talk about other countries problems between votes and propaganda and how those interweave.

It’s like everyone forgot about tek syndicate or something and what this board used to be. No one here wants to talk about that topic because they themselves have been using those mechanics to turn this board into tech Twitter. It’s sickening that the culture has gone this way and I for one, 0ike many others who have voiced this in the past, am disgusted.

I’m about to meet the devuan developers and some of the people that work on core boot to discuss some things about powerpc bios development. All of my projects are here. How in the hell am I supposed to share that stuff in good faith with these embarrassing shenanigans going on from the mods.


Just go talk about politics in the Discord.

What are you smoking that you would arrive at that conclusion? What ever it is, I suggest it is unhealthy.

Mods literally don’t give a shit most times and just want to get on with their lives, nerd out about tech, and share a laugh.


@X8X_Foundries I don’t know what’s going on but book a therapist, lashing out at forum members is not acceptable behavior.


Touching grass and having actual physical contact with another human being for the first time in a couple years might also be a pretty decent idea.


Highly suggest having regular therapy sessions. Also dont take this the wrong way. Go touch grass. Go take some time in a forest or go to a lake or climb a mountain. Stop ruminating on stuff that seriously does not matter as much as youd like to think it does.

If you care about not spreading propaganda then building healthy habits with the ability to identify and ignore it is better than lashing out at everyone because you cant control your emotions. Outbursts only hurt your credibility and your bottom line. They do absolutely nothing to others except make them chuckle at times.


its not that discussion of such things is banned.
its just most of us are not informed well enough to be able to speak on such matters without others who are as equally ill informed getting offended.
as a result discussions of politics, tend to devolve into he said she said or but what your saying is.
without any real regard for the subject being broached.

then the mods get a shit load of complaints from recreationally outraged idiots who have nothing better to do than argue in a forum…

yeah im kinda glad politics is muted here. its a tech site :wink:


Sir, this is a Wendys.

Don’t know if you have noticed, but the world exists in real life too. Put away the smartphone for a day and notice, the world is still there!

You got the wrong website in that case.



I believe everything has been said already so closing the door on this one. Thank you and good night everyone.