Crysis multiplayer wtf

i tried to create a multiplayer account and it says my password doesnt match my email address. Why? I even tried using my email password :S

It seems your password doesn't match your email address. This is a common problem when your password doesn't match your email address.

MeGotRice wrote 57 seconds ago »

It seems your password doesn't match your email address. This is a common problem when your password doesn't match your email address.

+1...I believe he did not match his password with his email address.

i didnt like the multiplayer that much

but yah your password does not match your email address

so they have to be the same?

i put my email as my password still didnyt work

Dude. When they say 'must match email' it means: Must match the password you gave us when creating your account using said email address.

But thats what I'm trying to do, create an account so how can it tell me that when i dont even have an account yet

Create a account on the Gamespy (is that the service?) webpage.

ok thanks

wtf? you have to pay for fucking gamespy

fuck that


no you don't have to pay for gamespy i don't have game spy and i am playing it online just fine just try creating a new account

yeah its fine now

MeGotRice wrote 14 hours ago »

It seems your password doesn't match your email address. This is a common problem when your password doesn't match your email address.


Well said young one...

I am playing Crysis wars online without any form of problems

fuck crysis multiplayer. personally it sucks ass

but on crysis multiplayer you can go onliune and tell the people your shooting how good you computer is and than fap over how good your computer is, wheres the fun without it XD

Yep. No tarmac game without someone starting to brag, and then getting owned by some quad sli gtx295 folks... XD

Im was having problems with Crysis MP too.

I attempt to create a new account within the Crysis UI. I got an 'invalid username' error a few times, so I mixed up my username, then I was having 'username and password does not match' error. I was confused because it didnt prompt me that my username wasnt unique, and I just created the password there and then.

After frustration, I went straight to Gamespy's registry to make an account there. It transpired that my email was in use there, so I reset my password for the email with them, and created an account. If I attempt to login to Crysis using this username & password, it tells me to check my username & password, even though I can manually log into Gamespy with this info..

So I went to create a new account in Crysis again, and made a completely jargon username, and random info all through, and presto! it works. It seems to me the problem lies between having a unique username and email. So I went back, created the username I wanted and made damn sure it was unique, and filled in the rest of myh info properly and everything seems fine now.