Critique and advice my build, is it good?

Yes, I do realize that by asking if it's good enough is subjective thus not clear enough.

Without further ado, I present to you, my build:

Let me start off by saying that I'll be using it for Hi-End gaming playing on a 1920x1080 monitor and the bugdet is set at 1400$. I'm also using Adobe Programs (Like Photoshop and After Effects). Even though nVidia's cards have CUDA cores which are better for rendering, I won't be doing dynamic visual editing to an extend that the Radeon I've chosen will not be able to handle (so I believe.) Make any suggestions and recommendations freely.


Good set up but go with ram sticks that are lower profile or thay may not fit with the aftermarket heatsink/cooler

it looks pretty nice so far. i would go with 

because its an 8 core and you're going to be doing alot of HI-end stuff. so it seems that it would be a good choice for all the stuff going on.

another thing is that i would stock up for cooling because agian its a very important system and it needs to cool correctly im assuming.

cheers dude.

and good luck.

Better in like, every single way.

Well yeah, I'm not sure about overclocking issues, I'm in a dilemma on if I should overclock or not. You see, choosing the 212 EVO won't allow me to overclock, correct? Now the real question is if I should or not... any suggestions? 

LOL you can go for 7950 CF system with that cash...

On what resolution are you playing?


Oh Lord...

Its not that I care what and where will you buy, but would you explain to me how does your mind works?




Uh, I'm sorry? I believe that this ram fits with the cooler, right?

it shude do (there a lot smaller than the corsair ones you had listed thay have MASIVE heat spreaders)

But if thats a consern for you try a set of Crucial Ballistix Sport VLP (very low profile ram the top dosent even stick out above the ram slot)