Creating Windows 10 pervious versions in attached drives Restore Points

So I was an idiot and I deleted a massive video file that I thought I had exported after I finished editing it. And of course windows 10 doesn’t have an easy way to create previous versions for drives in windows. So I came across this post. And set it up to take a restore point “snap shot” every 15 minutes. That way I wouldn’t loose anything but 15 mins of work and I set the space that it would take up to allow about a day’s worth of backups.

The only issue I’m having with it is every time it runs a window pops up and takes president. And I have to click back on the window I was working on. I think it has something to do with it opening either
Or running
“/Namespace:\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint “Startup Restore Point”, 100, 7”

If it could run minimized or hidden in the background that would be the most ideal thing. I’m just not sure how to make this happen.