Anybody ever seen proper grounding cause a PC failure?
What I’m thinking is NOT a proper ground at all but what is sometimes called a floating ground, usually due to faulty AC wiring.
Well, I tested the system with my other PSU, and it doesn’t have the problem.
I would be careful around that suspect faulty PSU.
Grab a multimeter and check for DC between the PC case and a known-good ground point.
That is bizarr.
1 year warranty PSU, apparently for a reason.
Oh no, sorry to hear about that.
I do remember a few years back I had a Thermaltake PSU that fried and it took out the following:
Circuit Breaker at the panel.
Now could it have been a faulty circuit breaker ? Very well could have been and this in turn fried the PSU, however I do remember the magic smoke and the short burst of flame coming out of the rear exhaust fan so I think the PSU shorted on the AC side of things.
What was interesting is that the HDD’s + RAM were not affected.
Since this was an older AMD FX system, I decided to got with a Core i7-6850 system instead.
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