Lately when I report someone because there is some real weird shit going on, I get a blue dialogue saying one or more people you have reported were overwatch banned.
I'm only in MG ranks... how many god damn people cheat in this game? Even worse is the fact that I have deranked from MG2 my 3rd time now because I encounter people with stupid reactions killing me, or some strange teleporting going on where I stop/aim/shoot but then they simply instantly move to a new position almost like I am dropping packets, but I am not as I have seen my net graph... perfect.
The blue dialogues do confirm that cheaters are rampant at least at GN+ ranks :(
Just so you know, I went ahead and played with a friend who is LE rank, now I was playing with above my "rank" players, we did lose of course but not quite the loss you would think...
Everyone in that match on either side were legit players just trying for the win.
At this point I am losing interest in the game entirely.
Cheating in competitive online games has really gotten out of hand. I heard they are even talking about performing drug tests at the major competitions.
I do not play competetive but as I have heard cheating and hacking got out of hand years ago in CS. For my part, I play for the fun of it. Just look for other games or play campaigns.
I stopped playing when 90% of the people playing decided to throw strategy out the window and just buy AWPs constantl, but I never really encountered any hackers (that I know of).
Some of it may be smurf accounts too, friend of mine does that. he's really high ranked so cant play with me and my shity rank he just destroys people at my level and is called a hacker.
There are other problems with CSGO right now that are much more important such as shit hit boxes and netcode that needs some real adjustment, I am uploading a video of some kills and some I slowed down that should have registered a hit but never did.
Cheating has been rampant for years. I (all but) stopped playing FPS because of this. I used to play competitively for years with Quake 2, MOH:AA, MOH:SH, COD 1 & 2, BF 1 & 2. It existed in every single one of these games, and at every level. I even played on a team that encouraged cheating because "everyone else was doing it". It was interesting because accepting that put you on a "level" playing field again competitively and it actually made the game fun again, but it wears thin, and it wasn't fun playing against a team that wasn't cheating - imagine that. It seriously ruins games. Games are only fun when everyone is playing by the same rules. I wish there were a good way to let the cheaters play together and let the non-cheaters play together, but never let them mix.
That's why I'm attracted to games like League of Legends where the competitors are physically in the same room. Everyone is on the same playing field and it makes for great excitement.
Oh and an EDIT: I was really tempted to move to console games because of cheating and then one day I was playing Mario Kart of all things and there it was: cheating. Dude figured out how to constantly rocket through map after map, finishing the race before everyone could even complete a lap. I lost my faith in humanity at that point and almost cried.
I am quite a big retro gamer, unfortunately I have a highly competitive side to me that needs feeding, but it can't be fed correctly vs corrupt players :/