I was looking at the Seasonic G-550 ($85) for my next PSU, but the Corsair CS450M is currently $30 after a $30 rebate. I know the Seasonic is the better PSU, but is the difference worth the extra $55?
I was looking at the Seasonic G-550 ($85) for my next PSU, but the Corsair CS450M is currently $30 after a $30 rebate. I know the Seasonic is the better PSU, but is the difference worth the extra $55?
Your going to be getting much better internals in the seasonic. Maybe saving a couple cents in electricity but nothing note worthy. Personally, I think that if you have the room in your budget I'd go for it. It's a crucial part of the system and I think it's worth the pocket change to have a part that should last longer and work better for that duration. Also the 100 watt headroom over the Corsair should help keep the seasonic running cooler and more efficiently. On power supplies this small in capacity 100 watts should help a lot.
Thanks, Caveman. I'll go with the Seasonic.
$85,- for just a 550W psu is not worth it for me personaly. You can get better psu´s for that money.
But offcourse seasonic will be totaly fine.