Copperhead lens scratched

Like the title says, my Razer Copperhead lens is scratched causing random movements of the pointer during use (Making gaming near impossible). I've had this mouse for about 4 years and it's probably time for a replacement but I just can't justify buying a whole new mouse just because the lens has become scratched. Otherwise, the mouse is fine and working great which is another reason I really don't want to buy a whole new mouse. I've already spoken with razer and unfortunately they don't replacement parts which is a shame. I was hoping one of you had a broken/beatup old razer with a good lens on it you don't use anymore could toss my way. I'm so use to this mouse I can't imagine using anything else (I mean come on, I've been using it almost daily for 4 years!). So, if you have an old copperhead, I'm sure we can come to some agreement. Any help would be appreciated

Haha, dude.. It's a mouse.. Youve had it for 4 years.. Just get a new one, It's not that expensive lol.
It takes exactly 2 hours to get used to a new mouse.

I reccomend Mionix Naos 5000

If you love it so much just get another razer copperhead, but it's always nice to try something new.

Yeah I've been looking around the web at various mouses and seeing what's new. I just hate throwing something away that can easily be repaired, I'm simply not a wasteful person. I was looking at the G9, I use what they call "claw" grip style with my mouse and it looks like a good mouse for my grip style. My OP still stands though, if you got an old beat up Copperhead, let me know

edit: found a G9 for 35 bucks, decided I'd give it a try. Should be here by the end of the week and it looks like it will suit my picky gaming mouse needs. It addresses some of the issues that I've had with the Copperhead over the years so I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I'm still very much a Razer fan, just figured I'd test the waters a bit and try new things being I've used a razer mouse for the last half decade.

I'd recommend a G500 if that G9 doesn't work out. I owned a deathadder, it broke due to the fail drivers. Now I own a G500 and it's by far the best mouse I've owned.

Or you could give the G500 a go, as fa as the price goes. The body shape is similar to the G5, but with the hyper-scrolling wheel found on the G9.

Yes, the G500 is really faptastic! :D tried it at a friends'

I don't like the G5 body design, it's too bulky for my taste. I use to have a Logitech Wireless (same style as g5) before I bought the Copperhead, Last time I used it I just remember how massive it felt. I use claw grip style and have medium size hands so I think the G9 will be good, we'll see. If not I'm going to be looking into possibly getting a Deathadder.

As said, Miniox Naos 5000
That is if it is available in your country yet (Its a swedish mouse)
My "tiny review thingie;" of it:

By far the best mouse ive ever had, and I will keep on buying it if it breaks :D

Since I purchased the G9 (still awaiting its arrival) I figured I'd order a new mousepad as well being I don't think my current will work well with the G9's massive feet. Does anyone have any suggestions for a mousepad that works well with it? I like as little resistance as possible, where the mouse moves effortlessly. I don't think I've ever bought a gaming mousepad, just kinda always used what I had because they basically worked well with the mice I had at the time. Figured it's about time I had a decent mousepad, but since I don't know anything about them, need some help :)

SteelSeries QCK series are pretty good.. Pretty damn big too if you want that..

Just got the G9 in today, it's heavier and wider than I expected but I'm sure in time I'll get used to it. With that said, I didn't even bother messing with any of the weights. The weight of the mouse itself seems to be distributed pretty well and balanced. Both grips the G9 comes with are equally comfortable to me, though I have taken a liking to the performance grip, I'm sure palm users would prefer the wide grip. It glides pretty well on my plasticish/vinyl mousepad, better than I expected, I'll probably still pick up a better mouse pad and some extra feet for it. I'm used to kinda "rocking" the copperhead when I used it, the base was not as wide as the top so in a sense it gave you greater control of the laser and made it easy to do "swooping" motions. Where as the base of the G9 is wider than the top and doesn't feel as natural, kinda makes me feel "flat handed"? and not as controlled. The MMB takes some effort to click, so if you're big on using it that could be an issue, I never use them. The texture on the performance grip it causes my hand to sweat. That about sums up my first impression of it. So far about about 50/50 on it, I'm going to give it time to get used to it and if I don't take to it I'll probably get a Deathadder.