I have here the N550JV from Asus with an i7 4700HQ and the GT 750m from nVidia that runs a lot hotter than I want it to with games. I cap everything at 30fps using Riva Tuner Statistics Server so I always adjust the quality settings around that. The CPU temps I get using Real Temp max out at 88.5 avg when turbo is on and clocked at 3.22GHz and GPU temps I get using EVGA Precision max out at 82 when turbo is on and clocked at 1.137GHz. Is this too hot for a laptop running high quality where possible at 30fps and should I opt for a cooling pad?
A cooling pad will definitely help. Either way keeping components cool in a laptop is always difficult. The best way to have a cool system is to have a really low ambient temp. Outside in the snow ftw!
I'm in my basement which is at 60f so my 8350 at load (stock clock) with a 212 evo is 47c MAX. Low ambient works great. Even with my bad airflow ;)