Confusion over PS4 controllers?

My near new PS4 controller won’t connect to LInux. It will connect via bluetooth, then shut off.

But if I connect my buddies PS4 controller that is a launch controller, it connects, and stays on.

Any speculation as to why?

Running Ubuntu 18.04, and the issue even happened in Ubuntu 16.04

So same everything except controller ?

you need to make sure your bluez installation is bundled with the sixaxis plugin for dualshock pads to work. the controllers also have to be trusted.

Yes same everything except controller.

Older controller connects PERFECTLY fine, and stays on. New controller will connect, then immediately shut off. And stay off. I can reconnect it, still does the same thing.

But older controller, connects, stays on, and is useable perfectly fine. The only differnce, is his is a launch controller, and mine is new. Tried this on different machines, same result just a few moments ago. My controller won’t stay connected, while his stays on, and is playable.

Yet, both work PERFECTLY FINE on his PS4 and mine.

I don’t get it.

are you setting it to trusted

How in the hell do I do that? I don’t have to for the older one. It just works.

once you pair, there should be a setting in your GUI manager that says something like trust this device

you can also do it via the bluez cli

Nope, I just click the top right menu, click on bluetooth, click on bluetooth settings, and there’s NOTHING like that.

I’m a noob, more or less. I don’t mess with cli unless I have to. I’m running Ubuntu 18.04.

All I did was click connect, and the controller works, if it’s the older controller. New one, connects, then shuts off.

When I look at them in the bluetooth settings, there’s nothing about trust this device at all.

doesn’t suprise me gnome is lacking HID functionality at all tbh

gnome also uses some nonstandard bluetooth cli too, so not sure this will work, but run


and reconnect it

you should get ouput similar to

[NEW] Controller 70:F3:95:55:92:5F localhost.localdomain [default]
[NEW] Device XX:6E:XX:28:DA:XX Dualshock 4

that string of values and colons is called a mac address. it’s the device identifier.

once you have it, run

connect [mac address]
trust [mac address]

in the bluetoothctl session interface

Have to go look for a new place to live, but I’ll do it later, and let you know what happens. Thanks so far.

tried it, and it still didn’t work.

did you get the output confirmation that the controller was flagged trusted

(may also have to do with gnome bluetooth interfering)


Do you use Steam? If you do why not just use the Steam Controller configurator. It supports PS4 controllers fully and you can remap everything to anything. Unfortunately to make use of it everything has to be launched through Steam.

he’s having a pairing problem, not a config problem.

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paste the output of bluetoothctl here after attempting to pair the controller. (“forget” the other dualshock so you know you have the right one)

Ah okay sorry.

There is nothing. From the looks of it, it’s not even pairing to the bluetooth dongle connected to the computer. The dongle sees it, but I’m now getting an error that says cannot pair.

Well, needless to say, I just swapped controllers with my buddy, and since it works on his ps4, i’ll let him use it. And I’ll use his on my computer.

I thought it was just weird. And I got NOTHING for output on bluetoothctl.