Computer Science Lounge - [Too Many Idea Men Edition]

I got pissy and will write a level headed response soon


I have met with a friend of mine that does ME and I have a project in mind with him that would involve an embedded system so I would like to see a video tutorial on how to do this from scratch. I was wondering how many of you would also like to see such a video tutorial series from Wendell or LV1?

@Eden @wendell

  • Interested
  • Not Interested
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Votes are public.

I took it a few years ago, what concepts are you struggling with?

I am not struggling with it, just wondering what other logicians we have.

No magic, just math.

I'm not a math magician. :wink:

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Would anybody know anything about pi clusters? I am interested in the algorithm they use to communicate. Is it done through a network interface? Is there like a main controller PI that then calls the other PIs to do computations?

No idea myself.

On another node. Anyone know of a good resources for looking up C libraries and similar for "to do this thing" > results in a list of libraries to use

Github/Stackoverflow is your closest bet. There's no alternative to reading lib feature lists really unless someone programs something like that.

for standard C libraries probably or the man page on any Unix like system.

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Yeah i was thinking more of a good lookup place when you dont know the library you need. I didn't know what gmp did/or existed until i needed to install the library for your program to compile.

I supose google does a decent job with C + "thing you need"

Why note make it fancy

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Though its incredibly difficult to edit lol

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thats the problem lol

You should share your project if you are writing some c code. I would be interested to see.


I'm a complete newbie at C atm. I'd quite like to get a reasonable proficiency at C enough to write and read without issue.
I'm also interested in rust but I'm leaving that at the moment.

I have a couple of ideas for some Linux based programs that i need to properly flesh out into formed ideas.

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Interesting topic, but I'm already fully committed on what time I have.

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